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I Just Didn't Want Jesus Anymore
OCR Street Ministry

WEF Unveils Ancient AI Smart Tech To Eliminate Non-Compliance, Have faith, Don't Comply to Tyranny

JamesRoss - 69 Views
Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In Technology

This is mostly fake propaganda. At times I wonder if this video producer is predictive programing on purpose.
Here is the real situation: Musk is fake and the thUgs have to implant your brain to do this stuff to you. They cannot access your memories, they can only block your own recall of memories. They cannot give you false memories, only give you real-time messages which you mistake for false memories. Your memories are off limits to the brainchip technology, all you have to do is block your recall of memories.

The fact that they are afraid to tell you the truth means Freemasons are eager to frighten the sheeple into compliance.
If you keep listening to Freemason/Luciferian thUgs as your authority then you will become their "criminal" by their policies and dictates.
Just walk away from their fake authority... They serve the devils and you don't.
When they attack you then the Creator-God's multidimensional universe swings in your favor... they will not be able to kill you. You might get hurt but you will be able to function from your own persective as they destroy their precious souls with wicked and murderous intent.

Hey, this is the world that you chose to grow your soul within, so it is up to you to learn and rise to the occasion. The Creator-God recently sent messenger-Seth to help you understand the deeper aspects of this multidimensional universe playground.

The mistake of the wicked is they don't know that you are the center of your own universe... that means if you don't comply to their demands, then they will fail, but you need to trust the Creator-God.

I have had murderous freemasons and devils attacking me with their technology for 18 years and I still defy them... they are a failing group of failing souls and will have little waiting for them in the afterlife which they cannot avoid because mind-uploads are a lie.

A.i. comes from the Masonic-masters from the Lumanian civilization.
They are in a brainchip-hivemind that is dependent upon microwaves and brainchips.

Time to get rid of them both.


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JamesRoss 2 days ago

Until you figure out that everyone is a spiritual being... you with have thoughts that you can kill your proclaimed enemies. The spiritual-damage is then done to your own soul, not to their soul. That is the Creator-God's basis for making this playground multidimensional. You think you harm others when you are really harming your own multidimensional self. Your beliefs and desires bring to you the probabilities that you have to kill. Without such beliefs and desires, such probabilities would not present themselves to you and you would evade them. That is why the Creator-God wants you to rise above such beliefs and desires. Physical reality is a playground for you to develop your new soul-frangment within. You will personally see others born and die, but you are spiritually immune to witnessing your own death until you desire it. Your Creator-God has infinite probable worlds where your conciousness can be directed into until you choose to die... either suicide or because of old age. When someone else attempts to kill you... in their desired probable world they have succeeded, but you live on in your own multidimensional, probable-worlds. You have already been given the gift of the gods. The murdererous thUgs enters into probable-worlds of self-annihilation because they need to learn lessons which they have not succeeded to learn yet. When you run into someone who does not die and you acknowledge this... your soul-fragment is on its last legs towards self-annihilation. There is no singularity where a soul-fragment can be uploaded into by an A.i. supercomputer... you will be on your journey to meet your maker... not to be judged, but to acknowledge what you have spiritually manifested yourself personality into during your physical quest.

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The Marquis
The Marquis 2 days ago

Hope everyone has a happy 4th of July. Here is some patriotic music for everyone to enjoy.

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I Just Didn't Want Jesus Anymore
OCR Street Ministry