"Do Not Comply" — Trump Pretends He Didn't Comply with Fauci in 2020
No Democrat could've gotten away with what Trump did to the country in 2020. Now he reinvents himself and conservative media tries to flush what he did down the memory hole. So, let's look at how he did EVERYTHING he now pretends to oppose and even ran on it in 2020. He ran a commercial with Fauci bragging about how COMPLIANT Trump had been to Fauci's orders. And, is Trump the only person who can save the world as Tucker & Orban say? Did Trump end ANY of the 7 wars he inherited from Obama?
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Trump is a jew. He's controlled opposition, a state sponsored hero. I can't believe anyone still supports the buffoon.

So the father of vaccine is now flipping it n ppl still so brainwashed as to buy it … just hand out the Jim jokes koolaid , cause they dropping daily