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Satan’s WEF Unveils AI Smart Tech To 'Ethically' Eliminate Non-Compliant Humans

Mary Tanasy
Mary Tanasy - 106 Views
Published on 30 Jun 2024 / In News and Politics

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The World Economic Forum has ordered infiltrated world governments to pass new laws that will ensure Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used to destroy all freedoms and clamp down on anti-globalist dissent.

According to Klaus Schwab’s right-hand-man Noah Yuval Harari, the WEF now commands the technology to become the “worst totalitarian regime in history” and completely eliminate every last human in the world who opposes the globalist agenda of the elite.

As Harari explains, the elite will view the disposal of non-compliant humans in the same way they view recycling – it’s ethical and vital for the survival of our planet.

Credits to: The People's Voice

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David Simmons
David Simmons 2 days ago

You do it first, asshole sodomite. When our Marines arrested your butt fuck master Klaus he was hooked up to Adrenochrome and begged them to keep him plugged in. Interesting the autopsy showed no evidence of Klaus taking a single covid shot. I say sodomite you go first but I doubt you will make it having feces in your blood stream. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome commonly known as AIDS. Or the sodomite death. Anyone can read about your butt fuck master being hanged for Treason against "We the People"

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