Wal Thornhill The Long Path to Understanding Freemasonic Gravity Illusions Like Black Holes
In the theoretical sciences, it is commonly assumed that the role of gravity is settled—although acclaimed theoretical physicist Richard Feynman observed, “There is no model of the theory of gravitation today, other than the mathematical form."
The problem is that mathematics will not account for the essential force in question. And yet, when astrophysicists speculate about Big Bang Theory, one conjecture is followed by another all building on the supposed supremacy of gravity as the driving force of cosmic evolution.
Wal Thornhill, Chief Science Advisor of The Thunderbolts Project, shares his forty-year personal journey to better understand—and elucidate—the role of gravity in the EU Model of Cosmology. This noteworthy one-hour conference session was presented at EU2015: Paths of Discovery on June 26th in Phoenix.
The Thunderbolts Project — a Voice for the Electric Universe

A valid argument that David LaPoint's Primer Field Theory had against Wal Thornhill's Electric Universe Theory Birkland Currents from galaxy to galaxy... is the non-straight plasma ejected from the hole in the bowl shaped magnet. Instead they can meander from side to side which may negate the Birkland Current idea connecting galaxies.