Voice in the Desert Live: A Shocking Tragedy
00:00 Intro
1:11 What happened to Shane?
11:19 How to stop being double-minded/lukewarm?
16:15 What is the gospel?
19:05 Divorce and remarriage
20:40 Fake Christians vs conspiracy theorists
22:34 What's the hardest part of following Jesus?
23:58 Why does God make us serve him or go to hell?
27:08 Who is the Antichrist?
30:40 Vain prayer repetitions vs consistent prayer
32:53 Voice, how is your relationship with your children?
34:38 How do we sell all and live homeless?
38:40 What's the best way to get someone to change?
40:40 Will God cut any slack for false teachers?
42:10 Judge not
45:22 What are some ways we can preach the gospel?
49:48 Overcoming fear
51:58 Why did the first apostles lay hands on people?
53:15 Marriage vs fornication
56:15 Who was Melchizedeck?
57:20 Do you promote shock therapy?
58:18 Struggles with mental illness
1:01:30 Christian community equals salvation?
1:03:22 Are there no real Christians in the churches?
1:04:55 Romantic relationships before marriage
1:06:20 Overcoming not working for money
1:08:10 Hating our families
1:09:35 Titles of respect
1:11:10 Conclusion
This is the first live stream from Voice in more than five years, and it includes his real voice and his real face. It starts with a tragic story about someone who died a few days after visiting our community in Texas, and it goes on to answer quite a few other questions on various topics.
The subject of mental health and shock therapy was related to the broader spiritual problem of lukewarmness or double-mindedness, where people need to think about sober topics like death and hell in order to shock us out of complacency.
The plan is to keep doing these on a weekly basis on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning, depending on which part of the world you live in.
TO CONTACT: Email avidmoderator1@gmail.com
What is "A Voice in the Desert"?
The purpose of A Voice in the Desert is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.
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