Alex Jones sounded authentic and not a Judas Goat 20 years ago, but I guarantee that he is a Freemasonic Judas Goat... he even admitted it in April, 2018 on the air
I am listening to Madej moving away from her original concentration upon the nano-bots that manufacture neural-toxins that she learned about in the 1990s This video is where Madej exposes the nano-bots and the possible cure of cholestyramine powder.
But notice that Dr. Madej is pushing the Human2.0 idealism, she pushes that you will be patented by altering DNA, now she sets up the mysterious zombies with this hydra garbage. I am beginning to suspect that Madej was invited to the Cult confrences as a Judas Goat because she does not expose the Cult of Freemasons and Eastern-stars. She shows the signs of Alex Jones... and of course Jones interviewed her.
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