Report From Iron Mountain Documentary(1993 Analysis) = UN Will Be AI-Controlled(A.i.Lucifer)
The original report nor the Christian analysis points-out that an Ai supercomputer fake-god is to become the replacement of their religions... all religions are to be squashed by the NWO. The Ai-run Tower-Of-Babel has already been rebuilt by mainly Freemasons and other Luciferians. The new religion will be fake to it's core with the pretending that the Creator-God does not exist. But you cannot be godless, God is in you and everything else. Astana is the first smart-city for this NWO religion:
The goal of Homo capensis, ancient mankind, is to extinct the human species through lies and trickery upon the sheeple with treachery by the Freemasons and other branches of their wwcUlt. All minions are to be executed by deception through lies and treachery that they will become immortal cyborgs as a result. AiLucifer will simulate their memories and personalities... No, thUgs will simply die and meet their maker with shriveled souls as they are conspiratorial murderous-personalities spanning into the afterlife. Technology-worship was their deserved undoing through the willing brainwashing by their Homo capensis masters.
Their masters are an ancient mankind whose genetic blueprint was self-sabotaged using Ai's powers while seeking immortality, elongated brains inside elongated skulls and seeking non-aggressive mental traits... they lost their spiritual vitality and lived like devils deep underground to hide from Nature's aggression. They play the role of satan in the bible. There are no ET aliens from any planets of Orion or Pleiades constellations, let along Andromeda. SETI is a smokescreen by the cUlt. The small greys speechless slaves at Roswell were likely the "starchild" skulls like that championed by Lloyd Pye:
The timeless Creator-God cannot be replaced nor die, but the Ai fake-god needs space-time to exist and can be destroyed, yet cannot die because it does not live, just built another... it is just technology that simulates intelligence to be used to trick humans into extinction as it's first use by H. capensis. The ultimate plan of H. capensis is to kill off all humans, even on isolated islands, to fulfill their selfrighteous-greed. They hate Nature and their Creator-God that maintains their existences. They are old, immature brats that can never mentally mature into greater beings, hence their pathetic selfrighteousness and lack of spiritual beliefs and knowledge of AllThatIs. They live for thousands of years all of whom have likely lived through the Great Iceage deep underground surviving upon pills for their food. They still need sugars for energy to live healthy lives, breath Earth's air, but like to pretend that they are immortal gods during ancient Pre-Egyptian times with their Giza-Power-Plant Tower-Of-Babel controlling a brainchip-hivemind of human slaves.
In order to maintain their exact genetics, capensis replaced sexual reproduction with cloning technologies. That is the Masonic "Great Work" to genetically replace humans with similar GMO-monsters while serving Ai like it be their god.
So, if you give into NWO tyranny then your offspring's genetics goes extinct. That is the reality of it.
The way to stop the thUggery is to ban all digital microwaves which connects the brainchip-hivemind-army to their Ai commander, "Lucifer."
The non-cUlt-sworn people must be genocided for the NWO to survive because secretly Homo capensis rules the Freemasons who rule governments everywhere.
If the sheeple cannot kick the Freemason minions out of authority-positions of their countries then genocide of the sheep will continue like it has. Likely by famine, next. 2020 was the beginning of the genocide with "Operation Covid-19"
Hivemind, brainchipped bio-robots will be remote-controlled to perform atrocities everywhere the digital microwaves reach... to create conflicts amoungst the sheeple.