University Tells Women Not to Call Police on Sex Offender Migrant Because It’s Racist
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Martin Brodel
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The Public is gearing up for a new "Border Security Strategy" to combat illegal entry to the United States. Were naming it, "Wipe Out"...because It's guaranteed to live up to it's name, and we have tons of documentation and evidence to prove it..Yep, the program requires Mandatory COVID VACCINATIONS, WITH ALL BOOSTERS, GIVEN SAME DAY they're caught crossing the Border. A One and Done Approach to illegal entry...It may be a little slow at first, but It's absolutely effective in reducing the desire for illegal entry into America...It will also save "Hundreds of Billions of Dollars" of Tax Payer Money, being wasted by the Criminal, Biden Cartel....Anyway you look at this Program it's, a "Win Win" for the American public. A very Simple, Swift and Effective Border Action Plan....that's guaranteed to take away the Motivation for being here in the first place....They're rushing all available COVID Vaccine to the Border, effective immediately!!!!!

diversity DEMONstrations is a great way to get them all in one place on cam.
sick as I am of that BS being rammed down our throats, it is now necessary.
we're being shown, luciferian heterophobic fascist pedovores, run everything.
we didn't win WW2 as told when DC imported nazi's to run everything.
they became big govt that created big tech that is in bed with the China
they built up at our expense as engine to destroy US with.
shall we also consider FDA+USDA+EPA+AMA with the GMO's and HMO's ?
CPS and all its minions that hand children over to evil "foster parents"
oh by the way are you still loving Disney+MicroSoft+Google?

the cancer guy, YES most cancers are caused by parasites and their poop,
wipe out the parasites your body flushes the poop away and you're OK.
"doctors are baffled" is BS, they aren't taught it in 8+ years of school either.
the dog dewormer, ivermectin, and quinine are ALL anti parasitic.
large amounts of garlic is antimicrobial, NOT anti-life anti-bio-tic poison.
bugs also HATE most peppers. vitamin C only from natural sources..
your body recognizes whole oranges, stomach produces less acids,
your blood+body Ph goes up instead of down.
bugs love an acidic sugary environment, don't eat what creates that.
I'm not a "doctor", pay attention to this or don't, its your choice.

title: sue the hell out of the school AND make that rapist disappear TOO.