The One World Agenda unfolding like Phil Schneider Predicted
dynorex - 171 Views
Published on 04 Jan 2021 / In Film and Animation
Still think we are not being lied to and deceived by ALL Governments of the World? Still think we will not be depopulated? Still think these upcoming vaccines will save you? Not Likely. The more you listen to Phil Schneider, the more you can connect what he says to what is happening right now. You have been warned, so you cannot complain when you end up in a FEMA camp. The more you deceive yourself, the easier you make it for the elitists puppeteers (Alien Agenda) to instruct the governments (especially the five eyes, USA, Canada, France, Australia, United Kingdom) to enslave us all without so much as a rebellion or a war. No other way to say it...
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