The globalist EXTERMINATION war against humanity will never end until THEY are ended!
The globalist EXTERMINATION war against humanity will never end until THEY are ended!
“There appears to be only one way to win this war. We somehow need to take control of the militaries and use them for what they are really for. They exist to protect the citizens, not to take idiot orders from cowardly sellout puppet leaders. Train their weapons on the real enemy. The opulent mansions of the billionaires, castles, palaces, DUMBs used for bunkers, etc. Whatever happened to real discussions with real people about what is really going on and how to really solve it? Good luck with your own spirituality, that is probably all that remains now.” - Larry_Druhall

The ones who kill the planet (chemtrails, satanic order, monsanto, famin, wars etc..) are NOT HUMANS! (so the we don't deserve this planet because we killed it it's not valid). They are Talmud-ians. Their Talmud specifies the killing of all gentiles/non-jews, as well as of creation/existance.
And all problems we have today, are a consequence of what happened in WW2. Watch the 10 episodes serie "Europa, The Last Battle".

Correct! They are killing us premeditate. But the fact is that they do this for over 4000 years allready.

United Nations Corporations - The Start of the NWO 2025 PDF Download