The Genesis Revelation: Nephilim, Nimrod, NASA, Flat Earth and more
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Published on 19 Dec 2021 / In Spiritual
This is the second presentation I gave at the Beaumont 2017 "Declaring the End From the Beginning" conference. In it, I start with the beginning of a Seed War in Genesis 3 and work my way through the arrival of the Nephilim in Genesis 6, the "man of many names" (Nimrod) and the Tower of Babel (yes, it WAS about height) in Genesis 10 and 11 and take you all the way up into our present day, tying it all all together as best I understand it from a Biblical worldview.
Sorry about the audio at the end. For some reason, the clean camera feed audio went out during the seminar. Not much I could do about that.
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