Enoch, Nimrod, Admiral Byrd, Flat Earth and a Most Peculiar Timeline
In this short segment from my second lecture in Amsterdam, I talk about what really does look like a most peculiar timeline that leans heavily in favor of something (like the firmament maybe?) having been discovered in Antarctica in the late 1950's. This one definitely fits my Flat Earth X-Files series of videos.

Firmament means Heaven or Sky it isn't a word used to describe a dome.
Perhaps you should read the whole bible before using it to prove flat earth because there are many passages that makes it clear that the Firmament is simply the sky.
Is the sun and moon are within the dome why is it that you believe that nobody could possibly land on the moon?
There's a tonne of history, science and maths that your story plucking isn't ever going to refute with this kind of presentation.
Ever look at the image you say shows the ice wall and flat earth (U.N Logo) and see how it's an ARTISTS attempt to depict a three dimensional image as best into a two dimensional image?
The land masses are all distorted and sloping to show a curve children!