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The Final Send

TwoFeather - 4,608 Views
Published on 08 Nov 2022 / In Cars and Vehicles

Good coffee and bad decisions: it's the only way any of us will keep up with Hank. Get the coffee part here:

Shout out to the Best Defense Foundation! These guys do a number of great things, one of which is returning military service members to the battlefields they once fought upon. That means getting WWII vets back to the shores of Normandy, for example. Or old Marines back to Iwo Jima. These trips can offer a profound sense of closure or well-deserved recognition as they revisit those historic places.

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1 Comments sort Sort by

Yashadel 2 years ago

Do you know what is happening?

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TwoFeather 2 years ago

yes, actors playing a part

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Yashadel 2 years ago

@TwoFeather: Not all. The actors are hiding something.

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TwoFeather 2 years ago

@Yashadel: it's All in your Mind. if someone you Don't Know and have No Contact with, is Allowed to Deceive You and Affect your ability to live, then You have a Weak Mind that is Easily Controlled. Videos, Internets, TV's are All fantasy world. Nothing is real unless you allow it to be in Your Mind.

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JamesRoss 2 years ago

@TwoFeather: He is one of these brainchipped controlled preachers with the "voice of god" weapon implanted into his head like Jonathan Kleck(the bell ringer). The thing is Luciferic-Freemasons are sheepdogging society into a collapse situation and they need Judas goats to hide or mask what and who they are... hence the dogma preachers to overwhelm the real truthers:

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JamesRoss 2 years ago

@JamesRoss : The Moon he uses for his avatar is the symbol of ISIS or the "reflector of the doctrine". Freemasons are in the "Church of Initiates" and that is also called by them as ISIS... even Allah is a moon god... it is all Cult with this guy and not the Creator-God: The most fantastic thing to realize is that Freemasons hide the ancient species Homo capensis and they are the wicked geniuses behind the brainchips and the destruction of western civilization. If it is not A.i. in their heads guiding them, then it is one of these ancient devils using that voice of god weapon into his head. Humans are easily put into a hypnotic trance of suggestions I have found. Hard to find critical thinking to combat hypnosis within the sheeple.

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TwoFeather 2 years ago

@JamesRoss : yeah, after I commented back I looked him up. he's one of those flat earthers. flat earth is used to Divide and Conquer the people to get them fighting among themselves and to make people think one knows more than the other. it does not matter to Me if it's Flat or Round, either way it does Not control my Life. I will never go up into space to see if it round nor will I sail to Antartica to piss off the edge of the earth. flat or round doesn't Make Me or Break Me.

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JamesRoss 2 years ago

@TwoFeather: Satellites really do orbit around the globe just like a backyard telescope can show any of these flat-earthers that many moons orbit Jupiter. That answer only requires critical thinking and an inexpesive reflector telescope and the truth-wheels begin to spin in their heads.

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JamesRoss 2 years ago

@JamesRoss : but due to his freemasonic flat-earth connection he is likely just another hyena or jackal in sheeps clothing. A complicit conspirator that gets excited about brainchip technology thaking them to their fake mind-uploads and fake "Ad Astra" after they genocide the oblivious sheeple. The microwave-grid powers up all their Cult nano-tech and IOT through inductive energy. turn off the microwaves and the NWO and genocidal takeover falls flat on it's face... That is what the Judas goat lead the sheeple away from realizing... and realizing the brainchip-hivemind-army and covert sleeper bio-robot zombies starting to come out of the woodworks... the brainchipzombies are going to be the "Locus from the bottomles pit" I gather. By site was banned by the thUgs but it can be read by opening index.html @

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TwoFeather 2 years ago

@JamesRoss : yes a globe seems more plausible than flat would, being that every other mass in space appears to be round. but I don't put a dog in the fight because it doesn't matter to me either way and I can't actually go to either to see for myself, just as those who claim it's real hasn't seen it for themselves either.

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Yashadel 2 years ago

@JamesRoss : Just so you know, the moon was created by God, the Holy Father and no one else and is therefore a symbol of His might and power and no else. The devil likes to steal (or try to) what belongs to God and twist its true meanings. The moon is a light. A light that shines in the darkness. I am a warning to you and all who do not follow the truth of Jesus. God has sent a prophet into this dark world to shine a light once again before the final curtain. To help give the world and all who are in it one final warning. This is what you are witnessing now whether you can accept it or not. It has begun.

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