The Fake Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Was Built to Fit the Airplane, The Airplane Was Not Built To Fit the "unique" (Fake) Fat-Man Bomb Hoax
Since the Freemasons faked this atomic-bomb, how can you trust them to tell the truth about any other atomic, nuclear bombs? Are we all suckers to the masters of deception?
The Freemason thUgs running the US-military simply wanted to frighten their taxpaying sheep into a frightened state of insanely building-up nuclear devastation capabilities... the Freemasons laughed at the insane sheeple who found comfort in building-up world-wide annihilation devices. The Freemasons knew the nuclear devices were fake, but the sheeple were convinced that the fright of a fake nuclear-winter would deter the Soviet masonic opposition. Have the insane sheeple outgrown their need for fake nuclear weapons of super-power might?
No, they have not.
Have you figured-out yet that the Freemasons running World-Politics faked both their WWI and WWII?
There was no atomic explosion that the fire-bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki experienced...
The Freemasons and Luciferians faked the nuclear tests and the final Japan bombings to frighten the American into Cold-war fearing sheeple.
That was a fake ending of WWII just like Pearl Harbor was faked to get the USA sheeple supporting WWII efforts to fight the Axes Powers.
But the A.i. supercomputer is very real and the Freemason plan is to reduce US sheep populations before installing martial law against the land of the free and home of the brave for systematic brainchipping into a land and world of zombies.
I still have zombie-like sheeple telling me that nukes destroyed Hiroshima against all visual evidence to the contrary. Freemason liars and deceptionists still have the sheeple confused after 80ish years of time for reflection upon their massive lies.
But WWIII is now got A.i. Lucifer running the deception and the target is to extinct all Homo sapiens by the "Death-Cult" of 322... Skull and Bones men. Just a branch of the entire Mystery School Cult that William Cooper tried to awaken the non-Cult people to see hiding in the shadows.
The unaware sheeple will know who they are as their jaws drop in disbelief of the total monopoly the Freemasons and Luciferians have over the entire world. And that a secrect, still-hiding, ancient failed-mankind are actually controlling all the Freemasons and Luciferians. Homo capensis is also the biblical devils.
More posts about Hiroshima:

We are well aware of their plans & we have our own plans so be careful you not looking in the mirror, when calling anyone Sleeping $heeples. You better beware, that you can weather the storm.