I'm completely broke, folks. Monetarily, I mean. My spirit will never be broken!
Unfortunately my savings are all wiped out and I cannot afford to keep doing this any longer.
My idea was to contact several of these content-creators, War-Room, mayor Giuliani, John Fredericks, Dan Bongino, and others to offer them this service for a small fee. For around $200 per show a month I would have been able to at least pay the rent and get by while making sure all their content was broadly available in all major Alt-Tech platforms as well as protected from all kinds of censorship or de-platforming.
I sent numerous emails explaining the project as well as inviting them to contact me in case they had any objections to it and wanted me to stop. Not only did I not receive a single reply but Rumble shut down my channel (with 700+ subscribers) 3 days ago because of several "DMCA Infringement" claims (I do not know who filed these complains and Rumble did not reply to my inquiring either). In any case it is very clear that I'm barking at the wrong tree here.
If anyone reading this would like to apply this same concept to other shows or any other kind of content feel free to contact me at: [email protected]
Thank you so much to all of you who supported this project. My best wishes go out to all of you patriots specially all the amazing people at
Stay strong, Support Alt-Tech & MAGA, now more than ever!!!
God Bless America and God Bless You All!!!
Although I like Charlie Chaplin I cant agree with the message.
The best way for an opponent to defeat the opposition is to get them to believe theyโve lost so they give up. Itโs always the mind that they are seeking to break. I hope you soldier on Shepherd and be prepared to use your Sling until you canโt any further.
King David approves this message
Hey you little slug I hate to bust your bubble but it's not over until the fat lady sings