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Riccardo Bosi "This is the End Of the End"

JamesRoss - 907 Views
Published on 18 Apr 2023 / In People and Blogs


He said, "The Masonic filth are collapsing..."
Hey, we need that in Canada, too. Will stop all this organized, Luciferian genocide of the profane sheople. But currently the Freemasons and Luciferian cabal run everything in Canada... lots of the professions like doctors and dentists... Cult members all try to become an authority figure for the purpose of the Agenda2020 NWO-WW3 that began the mass-genocide with the Covid-19(Satan's Sheep Slaughter is not a virus) operation.

Bosi is one of the rare guys exposing the masonic/Luciferian filth... treacherous, backstabbing hoodwinkers running Australia, too. He hasn't figured-out that the wwCult has it minions and thUgs in most positions of authority in ALL countries with microwave towers. The microwaves empower the nano-tech and also connects the brainchipped-thUgs into their hivemind-army following their individual, NWO-commands. No more lodge-meeting needed to run their wicked Cult: since they all have brainchips and hivemind avatars for meeting within their brain-implants. Sheople have no clue what they are all collectively conspiring within their heads... genocide!!! (as they decay their own soul-fragments away within this spiritual world. It is amazing that the Creator-God lets them all destroy themselves through their own wicked acts. No, no... they do not go to Hell and burn in fire... the wicked decay, whither, destroy the worthiness of their own soul-gift from the Creator-God, but the Sethbooks only hind at this because the Creator-God wants all soul-fragments to show their true colours by choosing their own path through the probabilities offered and co-created. Whatever is left of their souls gets spiritually boxed-up for eternity, it appears, rather than expanding into greater realities. What horrible non-endings await the wicked-dead. And the wicked Luciferians don't realize the mind-upload escape is a lie from their satan-race masters.)

Bosi thinks SG Anon is not a Judas Goat. It appears that Bosi made this video after gobbeling-up everything SG Anon said here:

What this guy is not exposing because likely he is not aware is that all the secret societies are now in a brainchip-hivemind-army of thUgs taking their orders from a highly sophisticated A.i. supercomputer(called Lucifer the beast)... with an agenda to kill-off all the non-Cult-sworn people. It is not going to be an easy task to stop the highly-organized-thUgs unless the microwave control-grid is stopped from allowing their secret communications network. This hivemind-network is world-wide and since 2020 it commands all the connected countries with masons and Luciferians in positions of authority... you see.
This is why the 2020 Covid-19 plandemic/scamdemic was/is a world-wide effort to poison and weaken the vitality of the common people while the Luciferians and masons only took public, secret-placebos or no shot at all, while earning their Covid-passport of lies.

Because their easy-route of culling the sheople quickly did not work as planned, now they need to invade the USA to demoralize the resistance then create Fortress North America which the masons will call "New Atlantis" according to the Luciferian document that William Cooper discovered:
The secret societies have always been backstabbers of the good-people, you see. The Creator-God has allowed within creation an avenue for the unworthy souls to murder and practice their wickedness because such a chosen path is still a learning-process through the experiencing of one's failure. Luciferians boast how smart they are, while they live a failure's cause... (they don't "graduate" into A.i., neither, since mind-uploads are make-believe. The result of their "ascension" into A.i. will rather be their suicide from physical reality since they are choosing to die into A.i."Lucifer" their fake-god, their trickster-god.)

What pathetic soul-fragments all those thUgs are now... so sad to see such a pathetic group of secretive Homo sapiens sell-out their own genetics and their entire species for nothing more than a self-righteous lie from their ancient-devil masters.

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