We hold to the Biblical Truths found in the KJV BIBLE alone! We are not affiliated with any apostate churches, or any churches holding to ANY of the Babylonian doctrines from the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth Rome, or any of those churches, or institutions who have any tax exempted status like the 501c3, or anything close to that. The 501c3, c4 and the alike tax exempt status documents, which have clearly fulfilled prophecy in linking their church to the state and have thus, helped form the image of the beast (Rome) in uniting the church to the state. Any church who has done this has united their church and are controlled by the state. http://ssremnant.org/501c3.html
We believe in reforming our lives into the image of God the best we can and that includes following good health: http://ssremnant.org/8laws.html
The Word of God is our LIGHT: http://ssremnant.org/word.html
Keeping the Law of God: http://ssremnant.org/law.html
The Seventh Day Sabbath: http://ssremnant.org/sabbath.html
What must we do to be saved: http://ssremnant.org/save.html
Death to Judgment: http://ssremnant.org/deadjudgment.html
State of Dead: http://ssremnant.org/dead.html
The Pope Is Antichrist: http://ssremnant.org/antichrist.html
Mark of (Rome) Beast: http://ssremnant.org/mob.html
3 Angel's Message: http://ssremnant.org/3am.html
MANY END TIME PROPHECIES http://ssremnant.org/moreprophecy.html
If you would like to help us continue to spread the truth in these last days, please send your tithes and offerings here to continue to build up the kingdom of God full time... http://ssremnant.org/donate.html
With Loving Kindness,
Brother/Pastor Craig