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Texas Cop Goes Crazy, A Week Later They Arrest The Victim For Filing A Complaint On Him

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Published on 19 Mar 2022 / In News and Politics

Harvey Freebird

Manuel Mata

River Oaks Police Department
4900 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks, TX 76114
(817) 626-1991

Manuel Matta and Harvey FreeBird were recording a River Oaks Texas PD traffic stop when one of the officers who seems to be off his medication pushed Manuel because he said his car was unlocked so Manuel couldn't be that close to it. Manuel spent a week trying to file a complaint over the phone, but staff kept refusing to take is complaint and hanging up on him, so he went to the police department in person to file the complaint. After asking for the complaint form, officer Meza came out and arrested him.

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Theroadtroll 3 years ago

Queens joker's.big shots that wouldn't survive without a taxpayer check.everyone can see why so many commit suicide

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