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How They Programmed Your Mind Since Childhood (no bs)

eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs - 128 Views
Published on 19 Dec 2024 / In Health

Everything is energy. From the education system to media, food, and culture—everything has been engineered to suppress your individuality and keep you compliant. But what if you could break free? In this video, we expose the hidden systems of control and show you how to reclaim your mind, your power, and your purpose. Awaken to the truth and discover how to rewrite your story. Your life isn’t theirs to control—it’s yours to take back. Don’t just watch—transform.
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Video Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction:
02:05 - How the System Shapes Your Mind Early
06:22 - Conditioning Through Compliance
10:14 - How Entertainment Shapes Your Desires
14:37 - Cultural Programming
18:55 - Language as Control
23:18 - The Subconscious Traps Holding You Back
27:44 - Awakening to the Truth
31:55 - The Power of Connection and Critical Thinking
36:48 - Breaking the Cycle of Control
41:32 - Redefining Purpose and Success

📚 Sources 📚
Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Herder and Herder.
Orwell, G. (1949). 1984. Secker & Warburg.
Huxley, A. (1932). Brave new world. Chatto & Windus.
Marcuse, H. (1964). One-dimensional man: Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society. Beacon Press.
Fromm, E. (1941). Escape from freedom. Farrar & Rinehart.
Illich, I. (1971). Deschooling society. Harper & Row.

⚠️ This video is intended for educational entertainment purposes only. The content shared is based on research, personal interpretations, and philosophical perspectives. It is not intended as professional advice or a definitive guide. Viewer discretion is advised—take what resonates and leave the rest. ⚠️

Keywords (ignore)
awakening, breaking free, subconscious programming, societal control, reclaim your life, individuality, mental freedom, spiritual empowerment, hidden truth, media manipulation, cultural programming, self-discovery, freedom from conformity, societal awakening, reprogram your mind, psychological control, spiritual growth, truth seekers, reclaim your power, dismantle the system, how your words create your reality, how they control your subconscious mind, series control philosophical essence

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2 Comments sort Sort by

JamesRoss 11 days ago

I like your write-up... anyone can break-free using their own will-power and free-will, but there are so few who bother, so far. Since 2020 the resistance to the NWO has been sky-rocketing.
Seems the tolerance for corruption was tolerated, but seeing their friends and family die and get sick from the clot-shots has really stirred up a bit more resistance.
Don't let fear of your own death frighten you away from seeking freedom for your loved-ones. The Creator-God keeps you alive through the infinite probabilities that God presents to you to choose your path through infinite creativity. In other words, God will not let you die until you choose to die... and that is the magic of this world.... to the point that assassins are afraid to attack me because the probabilities are against them from my own perspective and this is the case for everyone from their own perspective since everyone is at the center of their universe with God on their side to HELP develop a worthy personality and soul. The wicked are also allowed to live a full life as their destroy their souls with hate, murder and genocide and all the other wicked deeds they try to get away with... God is really on your side and you don't realize it until you stick your own neck out trying to fix your versions of the probable-worlds.
Even the Homo capensis monsters have been stumbling and bumbling with what is left of their shriveled, wicked souls. Never give-up or give-into the monster's demands because AllThatIs will help you succeed in developing a worthy soul if you truly seek a loving, better world to live in... that is the magic of the multidimensional universe AllThatIs provides for everyone. Good book that teaches these concepts:

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JamesRoss 1 month ago

And this was by passive mind-control through education and mass media.
Since 9/11, I have met children on different instances where they were brainchipped and guided by a fake inner-voice which they had no past clear-mind thinking without the intervention of A.i. into their thoughts... Their inner-voice is an intrusion by the NWO-takeover... they will rebel against their parents the moment their handler(A.i.) decides that they should do so. Western Civilization is not just sabotaged by Luciferian politicians and police... the children don't know thinking without A.i. guiding them.

When you see a "little genius" better buy a scanner to test if she is a brainchipzombie in your house.

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JamesRoss 1 month ago

@38:30 covert magnetic brain implants will be slowly taking over the manchurian candidates subconscious opinions to the point that the TI will think that those thoughts are their own... no outside mind-controling efforts will be needed to hone the future into the shtshow that Homo capensis wants humanity to crumble into. Unfortunately, I know what I am talking about with this.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 11 days ago

@JamesRoss : respect for the partici[ation andfeedback dude!

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