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    TASA - Jan 10, 2022 - Full Webinar - Justice Anna Von Reitz

    Published on 11 Jan 2022 / In Non-profits and Activism


    If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.

    Are you really required to file a 1040 income tax form with the IRS?

    Are you really required to obey draconian codes and statutes issued by the so called "federal government"?

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    dddrake 3 years ago

    My intent below, in a reply, was to state that the Vatican exalts satan, not Jesus. Wish there were a way to edit. Be sure to read that before you read this, to understand the context.
    Zechariah 11:17 describes Osiris and the symbols of Horus' power - being rebuked by God. It confirms that Osiris is the spirit of the anti-Christ, as does the description of the rider of the 4th horse/4th Seal - which is the 1st beast, as I will show. Osiris holds the shepherds crook and his idol is worshiped to this day by the Masons and other satanic groups - "Idol Shepherd" (Zech. 11:17). Horus was literally called the "god with the upraised arm", and his "right eye the sun" is the symbol of his deity. "Right eye the sun, left eye the moon, sky his body" symbolizes 2 souls in one body - a possession/perdition. The eye is the symbol of the soul. The eye above the pyramid symbolizes the manifestation of the soul alone, of Osiris (his body bound in the Underworld/Pit), the "rebirth of Osiris", come forth to possess a king/pharaoh - 7 times since the Flood (6 have come) - Nimrod the 1st king he possessed. Nimrod was Bel/Baal, after becoming a Gibborim - possessed by Azazel/Osiris/Apollyon. Azazel was his original name, in Enoch 1. A pyramid is a vortex, mathematically. The eye of Horus consists of numeric glyphs 1,2,4,8,16,32,64, which are also a vortex progression. These symbolize the manifestation/arrival of the soul of Osiris through the vortex/star-gate/portal from the Underworld, where the base of the pyramid aims. The pyramids had to be the mechanism by which he was able to manifest from the Pit, until they were dismantled, which is likely WHY they were. They now have CERN for the same PORTAL/Star-gate/Conduit operation of his manifestation.
    Refer to the 7 kings of Revelation 17:10-11, and the "8th" that is the beast/angel that rises up out of the Bottomless Pit, that "goeth into perdition." The "son of perdition" is the king he possesses. "OF" the 7, means he possessed them. The base of the 4 Baldacchino/Shrine of Osiris pillars at the Vatican, show 7 varying demon masks, given birth by the woman in travail, and the "8th" more defined. These show the true dynamic, in that Osiris wears the king's body like a mask - possesses him. The "8th" is also a mask, since he is the False Prophet/2nd beast. He "speaks as a dragon" because he IS one - 1 of the 7 satans. Likely their leader, as he was punished above all, for wronging mankind, according to Enoch. The passage in Enoch 1 that confirms Azazel as the leader of the 7 satans, is "See how the Elect one judgeth Azazel and his host". The "Elect One" is Jesus. Much of Enoch is all about Jesus, for those who have read it more than twice, they will know. Azazel is not listed among the names of the satans which Enoch describes, because it is too fragmented and part is missing, but we may be certain he was, due to what was done to him and spoken of him. He is the angel of the Bottomless Pit, called Apollyon/Abaddon in Revelation - Osiris to those who worship him, and probably Shiva and Quetzlcoatl to name some others.
    The description of what was done to Azazel is embodied in the description of Osiris. You can not be bound hand and foot in darkness, with your face covered that you shall see no light, in any better method than the sarcophagus that Osiris is always depicted as within. Osiris is Azazel. Osiris is Apollyon, the angel of the Bottomless pit.
    The "8th" is Osiris/Apollyon himself, in his own skin, after being freed at the 5th trumpet, rising out of the Bottomless Pit/Underworld to assume the role of the 2nd beast - who THEN makes an "image" of the 1st beast. "He had power to give life unto the image of the beast" and "The whole world shall wonder after the 1st beast, who's deadly wound was healed". That means the 1st beast was dead. Jesus just killed him a month or so prior at His arrival to GATHER His Elect, before the 7th Seal is loosed and God's wrath begins. "The great day of His wrath is come, and who is able to stand" is spoken during the 6th Seal, after the stars of heaven are cast down. "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and sea, for the devil has come down having great wrath, knowing his time is short."and "Given to hurt the earth and sea" - the "4 angels standing at the 4 corners of the earth". SAME EVENTS.
    Osiris/Apollyon is who possesses the 1st beast, until Jesus arrives and kills him, as seen in 2nd Thess. 2, where we also see no mention of Armageddon - yet. That happens 3-1/2 years later, after the 7th Seal is loosed and God's wrath is poured out. This means Jesus does not set foot on the earth when He arrives with the clouds of heaven with great power and glory, seen by all, to send His angels to GATHER His Elect off the earth. We see them clearly Gathered there at the 6th Seal - not on the earth, but before God's throne. Compare what they say with what is said in Revelation 12 after the dragon is cast down. The white robes they are given symbolize their Resurrection and new body. This only happens AFTER Jesus' arrival. For those who will accept it, Jesus IS the angel rising out of the east with the Seal (Royalty) of the Living God. Called an angel because he has TRANSFIGURED into that form of power, and is not in the flesh. Revelation 1 shows this same thing, where He is called an angel for the same reason. No other entity is present but HIM. Enoch's description shows this dynamic, where he describes the angels around God's throne. "They appeared as flames of fire, but could assume the form of a man whenever they wished ... or any form". The angel rising out of the east is Jesus - hidden unto those who do not read and seek. Rightfully so.
    Osiris is the king of Death and the Underworld - SAME as "Rider named Death with hell following" - the 4th Seal. We can also prove that the rider of the pale green horse is the 7th king/1st beast, because of what happens immediately after his arrival, in the 5th Seal of Revelation 6. It is then the final Martyrs are killed - after HIS arrival. No reason exists whatsoever to say, and no proof exists, that the rider of the 1st horse is the anti-Christ/1st beast. The rider of the 4th horse has the proof directly in the description given, needing none further, adding Zech. 11:17 to confirm it beyond doubt.
    My research has proven to me that Michael is the rider of the 1st horse, and the great red dragon is the rider of the red horse. War in heaven begins with the loosing of the 1st and 2nd Seals. It ends when the "stars of heaven" are cast down to the earth during the 6th Seal. These "stars of heaven" are the same "4 angels standing at the 4 corners of the earth" "given to hurt the earth and sea", seen immediately after, at the beginning of Revelation 7. They are 4 of the 7 satans, which are described and named in Enoch 1. Compare Revelation 6-7 with 12:7-12. They are the same events. Revelation calls angels "stars". Jesus descriptions of His coming include this same event, of the stars of heaven being cast down to the earth just prior.
    Albert Pike's Blueprint states, "We shall provoke a Social Cataclysm", which we see perfectly in operation now. Also, the entire objective is for the arrival of "the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into Public view". This is the arrival of the 7th king/1st beast. A False Armageddon for a False Messiah. I will predict his arrival sometime around the winter solstice of this year, 2022. That means WW3 begins prior. then begins the ride of the 4th horse and the death of 1/4th of mankind, in his 3-1/2 years reign before Jesus arrives and kills him. Then begins the 7th Seal and God's wrath, with Armageddon 3-1/2 years after. Jesus does not set foot on the earth when He comes to Gather His Elect and kill the 1st beast. This is key to understand, otherwise you will never put it together.
    I hope someone finds this that truly needs it, and understands what it is. These pieces of the puzzle took my lifetime to find. Thank God for His Truth and Love. "Seek and you shall find". "Ask and you shall receive".
    God Bless

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    isaiah41913 3 years ago

    HalleluYah for this truth being shown to others and this continues to grow. Anna is discovering truth and there is more! There are so many false doctrines and the standard Christianity is just one of them and they all play a part in the plan. Narrow is the gate and few find it. ‘Because narrow is the gate, and troublesome is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that find it’. MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW) 7:14 את CEPHER

    Some further info though on a few of the points:
    1. Jesus is not his real name as Anna notes and this and his image will be used to deceive many - His name is Yahusha (Joshua in English). This name (Yahusha) means Yah saves/Yahs salvation. Gods name is Yahuah/YHWH - god is just a title. This is evident in ancient texts, archeological artefacts. The modern Jesus name has no connection to scripture or the name god (and by scripture I mean Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek sources rather than just the English). Christ does mean anointed. In the Greek version of Revelation, the number 666 translates to the name Jesus. I think this false image will be portrayed to deceive many (as you see in various orthodox religions). This does not mean he doesn’t exist but rather the false man-made representation developed by the adversary - mixes deception with truth. He also was not born on 25th of December and birthdays are also a Babylonian tradition. ‘Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is χξς’. CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 13:18 את CEPHER
    2. Mary anointing - not Mary Magdalene - Mary and Martha are the two sisters of Lazarus who was brought back to life by Yahusha. They opened their home to Him during His travels and told him of their brother. This is not Mary Magdalene. Lazarus’ sister Mary applied ointment not an anointing oil - 2 discrete things. After Yahusha saved their brother, Mary washed his feet, dried his feet with her hair and applied an expensive ointment..I think I would be doing the same after Him saving my brother and realising who He was. “My head with oil you did not anoint: but this woman has anointed my feet with ointment”. LUQAS (LUKE) 7:46 את CEPHER The ultimate anointing is by the Holy Spirit for which all of us can now receive if we choose to. Once you receive it you know can’t be half pregnant as they say - either you have it or not. This requires us seeking Him in truth and turning from our previous ways. Mary Magdalene was a follower of Yahusha, repented and was also born again. She was not the one to apply ointment to His feet.
    3. Feasts and the last supper - standard Christian feasts such as Xmas, Easter etc are Babylonian and worship figures such as Tammuz. See Jeremiah 10 for Xmas trees and how this is false worship/idolatry. Passover is a feast to thank/remember our Father bringing the Israelites out of Egypt (they marked their houses houses with the blood of a lamb to ensure they were saved). This is celebrated with family/friends, some wine and unleavened bread with bitter herbs, and this was also celebrated with the last supper before Yahusha became the ultimate sacrificial lamb (His crucifixion on a tree/pole not a cross - this is a symbol of Tammuz). As Passover is the preparation for the feast of unleavened bread, this was His preparation. We were saved by His blood, they didn’t make an oath by it. The Pharisees and Saducees were rebuked by Yahusha because they added to the law with man made traditions and you still see it today. (Apparel, chanting, imposing additional Jewish traditions on the community, rabbi and hierarchical structures etc). A little ‘leaven’ ruins the whole lump as it says in scripture and takes followers down the wrong path. “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are matstsah. For even Mashiach our Pecach is sacrificed for us”: QORINTIYM RI'SHON (1 CORINTHIANS) 5:7 את CEPHER
    4. Christianity and religion: this is all prophesied and there is nothing new under the sun. If you do your research you will see where all religions are derived and they are from the same source. It is a hard pill to swallow when you know but is up to us in the end if we want to seek Him. It really ramped up with the start of Christianity by the papacy, Jesuits instigation of false doctrines and oppression/murder of His true followers such as the Natsariym, and this will happen again. The falling away is occurring right now with people no longer able to sit on the fence and be luke warm.

    Just a few prophesies for you now evident
    1. The papacy is the fourth beast. The fall of the papacy and restoration of this in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty at 11 o’clock on 7th June (excerpts from newspapers such as New York Times of the time saying “his mortal wound was healed”) ‘And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed’. CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 13:12 את CEPHER
    2. Revelation 12 sign has been/gone on Sept 25th 2017. Do a search.
    3. Changing of times, calendars, feasts by the beast as evident in the historical changes to the Calender, new feasts etc: ‘And he changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings, and sets up kings: he gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding’: DANIY'EL (DANIEL) 2:21 את CEPHER
    4. Mark of the beast: the Catholic Church changing the Sabbath day to Sunday and making new feasts (Sabbath and feasts are considered a sign/mark for His people), the V will have luciferase in it, it’s patent and the number 666, unable to buy/sell.
    5. The current ‘sorcery’ deceiving many: in scripture sorcery is ‘pharmakeia’ in Greek which means drug, magical remedies, poison. ‘And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in you: for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for by your sorceries were all nations deceived’. CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 18:23 את
    6. Scripture (Revelation) talks of the harvest - Fauci’s name means sickle.

    Resources to help on YT, Patreon, web: truthunedited, Parable of the Vineyard, 119ministries. No ‘bible’ is full truth and there is error in all. Time is short! Seek truth!
    All praise to Yahuah through His son Yahusha.
    Blessings to you all

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    Jonn Mooney
    Jonn Mooney 3 years ago

    I've produced a video response to Anna's claims of Jesus being anointed by a prostitute. If you care to watch it. Thanks for your consideration.

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    isaiah41913 3 years ago

    Great video brother and great to see truth being made evident. We are on the apocalypse - means truth revealed/unveiled. Blessings to you and your fam.

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    estanford826 3 years ago

    Thank you for discussing this religion information Anna. I know you risk upsetting a lot of people but a lot of us have known that something is very wrong with this worship business since we were teenagers. I left the Catholic church at age 16. I knew something was wrong I didn’t know what. Now I know and I’m glad I made that decision sooner than later. What a bunch of scumbags.

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    Tin-Head-Ned Kelly
    Tin-Head-Ned Kelly 3 years ago

    I was heavily molested by the Catholic Church as a child, all in the name of "Christ". I think your scumbag comment is far too kind of a description. The Persons who loiter around these establishments make my skin crawl!

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    dddrake 3 years ago

    The Vatican exalts the "rebirth of Osiris", known as Horus, which was first known in it's first manifestation as BEL/Baal (satan), not Jesus. The Baldacchino (BELdacchino) is a representation of the Shrine of Osiris, having the "4 sons of Horus" exalted atop the SERPENTine pillars, aka the "4 angels standing at the 4 corners of the earth", aka 4 of the 7 satans. Horus is Bel/Baal - one of the manifestations of the escaped soul of Osiris.. Horus is the POSSESSED pharaoh/king, possessed by the escaped (from the Underworld/Bottomless Pit) soul. of Osiris/Azazel/Apollyon. The O-BEL-isk exalted in the center of St. Peter's Square is the direct blasphemous symbol of the "rebirth of Osiris" as Christ. The cross being ejaculated from it.

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