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JamesRoss - 203 Views
Published on 17 Jan 2025 / In People and Blogs

"Those who need rulers are unfit to choose them for others!" with more herewith-all
I really appreciate Brian's sense of values.
What he may not realize is that sworn, Masonic-police are all in a secret brainchip-hivemind already to help AiLuciferians to bring about their techno-feudalism. It is all set-up and ready to go.
2020 was the beginning of the final weeding-out of the non-cUlt police with clot-shots or with forced resignations for non-compliance to those who refuse the poison-jabs. The same goes with all government paycheck jobs. The Luciferians were all given placebos, while the non-cUlt employees were give enough poison to make them too sick or even to die where they wanted those positions emptied. The Fire Chief shot in Trump's bandstand was likely placebo-ed for that very purpose... shot by a Masonic-thUg who wanted revenge for something or other.

Non-cUlt weeding is everywhere like Alberta EMS. A couple of years after the unwanted non-cUlt positions were vacated, the Luciferians suddenly were given funding to hire only fellow, secret communist-Luciferians... employed into those waiting EMS units. All governments were transformed into Ai-governance throughout the West after April 1st, 2020 when Trump's presidential seal was removed along with the USA Flag from the stage.

When the set-up trap is triggered, soon, overnight, the brainchip-hivemind governments will flip over the communist-switch where they no longer act like there ever was a constitutional republic with common-law and Creator-endowed rights.
Then, the SHTF. But their are no nuclear warheads... the cold war was to finance all the DUMBs for the Luciferians to hide if anything goes wrong with the NWO-takeover.
Keep up the faith in a better world without their tyranny and you will bring that probable-world to your experience with true effort.

The brainchips are magnetic and require magnetic nano-particles to be laced into processed foods and drinks. I noticed a year ago that soda drinks in Canada were all being laced. It's part of the hivemind-trap... The magnetic nano-particles are required to activate the brain's neurons artificially.:

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