Sidney Powell with Eric Bolling on the accuracy of Dominion voting machines
Sidney Powell, the former federal prosecutor, goes one-on-one with Eric Bolling to weigh in on what you need to know about Dominion voting machines and the future of our election results.

00:01 joining me now is best-selling
00:03 author of the book licensed to live
00:05 former federal prosecutor and general
00:06 michael flynn's attorney
00:08 sidney powell thank you for joining us
00:10 uh council
00:11 tell us a little bit about the
00:12 challenges that the trump administration
00:14 is facing and what are your thoughts on
00:15 whether or not they will be able to flip
00:17 any states
00:19 they're facing an election that was
00:20 absolutely rigged
00:22 it is we are soaking in information
00:26 through fire hoses
00:28 of complicated mathematical alterations
00:32 to the votes we have identified the
00:35 system capability that does it
00:37 it does in fact exist regardless of what
00:39 the name of it is
00:41 it works through the dominion company's
00:44 uh voting machines that were in 30
00:46 states
00:47 and does indeed alter and flip voting
00:50 results
00:51 so can you tell me can you tell me right
00:53 there i i understand that so there are
00:55 these dominion machines
00:56 that were voting machines and and as you
00:58 point out they're in multiple multiple
01:00 uh counties across the country that may
01:03 have changed
01:04 how do you know this where's the do you
01:06 have i
01:07 listen i'm not pushing back on you
01:08 because i know everyone's going crazy
01:10 right now but is there proof of that
01:13 yes well there the dominion machines are
01:15 in 30 states
01:17 we're identifying the companies that
01:19 created the software
01:20 they have done this in other countries
01:22 around the world
01:24 it's incredibly disturbing and we will
01:27 hopefully have evidence of it before the
01:29 end of the week that we can produce
01:30 publicly
01:32 and the justice department and the fbi
01:35 and the intelligence agencies i think
01:38 have known about this before
01:39 so why nothing's been done about it yet
01:41 is beyond my comprehension
01:43 but it's fixing to go public because
01:46 i'm not going to stand by and watch the
01:49 american public
01:50 be defrauded of their chosen leader in a
01:53 free
01:54 country country that's supposed to be
01:55 free not run by
01:57 venezuela or china cindy very important
02:01 information news you're breaking here is
02:03 it a software
02:04 glitch or something more nefarious
02:08 it's a feature of the system that was
02:10 designed with a back door
02:12 so that people could watch in real time
02:16 and calculate with an algorithm how many
02:18 votes they needed to change
02:20 to make the results they wanted to
02:22 create
02:23 how did you find out about this people
02:26 have come to me
02:27 with information i think when people
02:30 realize there's somebody they can trust
02:32 that will actually do something about it
02:34 they speak up we have a lot of patriots
02:37 in this country
02:38 they are absolutely fed up to the gills
02:40 with corruption
02:41 at every level of government they have
02:44 no trust in our public institutions now
02:47 and we will not let this election be
02:49 stolen or any cheating to survive
02:51 so let me get this straight there's a
02:53 real important point here dominion
02:55 voting machines
02:56 were in numerous states numerous
02:57 counties there's some sort of software
03:00 back door that not unlike most
03:03 phones will have a back door but this is
03:05 this will actually
03:06 calculate and tell the person accessing
03:09 the back door
03:10 what type of voting percentages and what
03:12 type of numbers are needed
03:14 to change the win for a certain party
03:18 for a certain candidate
03:20 exactly they can watch the voting real
03:22 time
03:23 they run a computer algorithm on it as
03:26 needed
03:27 to either flip votes take votes out
03:30 or alter the votes to make a candidate
03:33 win
03:33 so that's different now now you're this
03:35 is even different i i just really want
03:37 to be very
03:38 very careful here and be very meticulous
03:40 about this one it's one thing to be able
03:41 to watch it
03:42 and decide how much more input you need
03:44 to change to change the number
03:46 but now you're saying there's a actual
03:48 way to change
03:49 the the total the vote tallies within
03:52 the system
03:54 that's exactly right that's a
03:57 very very big claim there i mean that
04:00 that would be voter fraud
04:03 defined right right right there where
04:05 what's the next step
04:06 it's it's massive criminal voter fraud
04:10 writ large across at least 29
04:14 states it could have been happening
04:17 anytime a voting
04:18 machine was connected to the internet
04:20 and we have evidence that many were
04:23 it was obviously happening it's obvious
04:26 from
04:27 the algorithm and the statistics that
04:30 our experts are tracking out or batches
04:33 of votes
04:34 and when the curves changed and
04:37 it's it's going to blow the mind of
04:40 everyone in this country when we get it
04:44 all together and
04:45 and can explain it with the affidavits
04:48 and the experts
04:49 that have come forward all right sydney
04:51 we're going to leave it there and
04:52 we're going to look into it we're going
04:53 to watch for further information coming
04:55 out from your camp i guess rudy
04:56 giuliani's camp as well at trump camp so
04:58 sydney powell thank you very much
05:00 thank you

God Bless you Sidney. This lady knows where the monkey sleeps.