Rupes Nigra🏔️📜 Paradise At The North Pole & Descent Of Jesus Into Flesh
Shalom 🕊️❣️ ✝️❣️
We are near the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Messiah Light of the World and we all know he rose from the dead on the Third Day. Let us be in silent remembrance of Him and His sacrifice to redeem our souls. Amein 🕊️
Reading from Paradise Sides of the North and the Mount of Congregation, a collection of Scriptural evidence of the North by Zen Garcia 🕊️
Previous expeditions in the North Pole:
📚One of Admiral Byrd's most interesting expeditions:
🕊️Always stay humble and kind:
This channel is not monetized, please give what you can to the poor.💞 YHWH bless you and keep you in the Name and Blood of Isus Messiah of the World, Amein 🕊️

The media propaganda is criminal and insane with CGI and fisheye lens fakery. to hand over our money to NASA for blatant brainwash of our children is beyond tyrannical!

My all time favorite topic. Thanks CR! Flat Earth has been proven in court.