Rhodesian Fireforce: Effective Counterinsurgency Tactics, by Digital Battlefield Tours: Teaching Tactics
The Rhodesian Bush War was a conflict pitting lovers of freedom against Marxist anti-White terrorists supplied by the Soviet Union and Communist China. The Whites bravely held on for years, but were ultimately stabbed in the back by Europhobic, Loxist, Anti-White Racists and Closet Commies in Western Nations.
This video is an extensive documentary review of the Fireforce tactics used by the Rhodesian Security Forces. It's principles are still in use today.
"Teaching Tactics by DigitalBattlefieldTours is a documentary series covering the development and application of 20th century military tactics. Teaching Tactics combines in-depth analysis with a highly visualized presentation to provide an approachable yet comprehensive guide to military tactics."
Rhodesian Fireforce- History's Most Lethal Counterinsurgency Tactics ~ Digital Battle fieldTours- Teaching Tactics ~ B3CVQe_m1yE ~ 720p

Good article comparing Zimbabwe and Rhodesia

Interesting tactics. I know there was some exchanges between the US and Rhodesia (usually kept under wraps) but we could have used the fireforce tactics more in Viet Nam, and it would have been very helpful.

It shouldn't be overlooked that the Rhodesian Security Forces consisted of 70% African volunteers and the RAR or Rhodesian African Rifles often undertook FireForce duties. It had 2 exclusively white, special force regiments; the RLI and the SAS and these were formed after the atrocities in the Belgian Congo when the soldiers there mutinied and murdered their white officers and then went on a murderous rampage against the white population, in which the Rhodesian forces were deployed to restore order and evacuate civilians. The Selous Scouts was fully integrated and used 'turned' terrorists who were given the option of being handed over to the authorities and eventually face execution as a terrorist or join the Selous Scouts and act as a pseudo-terrorist and hunt actual terrorists down and either take them out directly or call in the Fireforce to take them out, without revealing their actual roles.
This also involved 'freezing' areas or placing them outside of normal RSF activity, to avoid any confusion through mis-identifying them as actual terrorists.

Here is an excellent post on Rhodesia, and how the Closet Commies have tried to change the narrative on what actually happened:
"Rhodesia is not a "footnote" in history. It is an incredibly important domino in the fall of sovereignty and civilization. Demoralization has been used as a globalist cultural Marxist "revisionist" weapon to distort the Truth about a nation that was extremely independent and successfully creating peaceful prosperity for all..."