Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: The Patriot Front Is The Fed MAGA False Flag Imminent
Queen Ma'atGirl - 116 Views
Published on 08 Sep 2022 / In News and Politics
Join us for another freedom lovers panel. Topic: The patriot front neo Nazi, white supremacist group is the radical lefts weaponized judicial FBI, controlled by George Soros! The same people who brought you the N.F.A.C so called black militia group. The radical left is losing big time, they've got nothing on Trump and the MAGA movement comprised of true patriots. Their go too tactic is to perform a coup d'eta, a false flag of the MAGA movement to take Trump and true patriots down once and for all. Join us to find out what they are planning, what is at stake for our nation and how to stop the enemy.
#QueenMaatGirlTv #PatriotFront #FalseFlag #coupdetat
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