Poor Celestial (her Mastersvoice) Example of a Brainchip-Puppet-Preacher
These are not prophetic-dreams she has... they are manufactured by Ai under the control of the Mystery School cUlt masters, Homo capensis, the Remnant-Lumanians: https://old.bitchute.com/video/gLYvEx4rR5Ef/
Some people have a hard enough time believing in Near-Death-Experiences and the afterlife, let alone, a real spiritual-messenger that can speak through a psychically developed mind. Unfortunately, many Eastern-Star and Rosicrucians are fakes and pretend to be "channeling" information from "dead" personalities. They want to scare sheeple away from the useful messengers that have always existed, even for the ancient devils, Homo capensis... but being so murderous could not make much used of inner-senses and replaced them with fake voices from technology.
Celestial is not a psychical-developed... instead she is a lawyer with enough gullibility to be bamboozled by a covertly-implanted brain-interface using Ai to produce fake dreams and the "voices of gods" weapon developed by the NWO Freemason cUlt. https://old.bitchute.com/video/P9DUny6rz35Z/ This is technology so far advanced that no Freemason R&D corporation could produce it on their own without Homo capensis technologies handed over to them by genocidal-monsters... they want all humans dead because we seek freedom normally and resist repression. The Mystery School cUlt weeds out members of bloodline families who always served them... the most wicked and obedient advance in ranks, the most. Selfrighteousness, hate and greed are key signs of an useful-idiot minion.
The real brainchip is magnetic, so the Neualink is a Masonic cover-up of the real technology: https://old.bitchute.com/video/x364u55XBReL/
Who is speaking to Celestial if not the Creator?
Through Ai technology, it her handler at first, but soon AiLucifer will become "smart" enough and will be able to mislead effectively all by it's own algorthms. So, still, a devil must come through the digital microwave grid to speak through the magnetic brain interface covertly implanted into Celestial's brain by the medical-Mafia thUgs(traitors to their own genetics).
The end goal of the Homo capensis species is to eradicate all humans since we were never designed to be slaves and hate the loss of freedom... that is why democracy was created with Freemasons acting as the fake-leaders. They are not real leaders since they follow the commands of the genetically-altered devil-race of treacherous-monsters.
Freemasons/Luciferians will never go "Ad Astra per Aspera"(to the stars as cyborgs)... they will all die alonely death into the afterlife because there are no mind-uploads into Ai like the devils promised to the ones who think they souled their soles to the devils. Dumb-phucks, the lot of them... The Creator-God has no need for trained-deceptionists and murderous thUgs in the afterlife... btw... those types are failed souls along with their devil-masters speaking through Celectial's MBI.
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nDZbjpBV-g