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Part 1 Addressing the Question: The Military Is Training To Kill You With Counter Insurgency Tactics

Tackleberry Solutions
Published on 16 Jan 2022 / In Firearms

I had a subscriber send me an email the other day with a link to an article that talked about the specific training that the military was conducting in North Carolina. This was in regards to preparing for "freedom fighters." This is the first of two videos that I have created to address the topic.

Out the gate, my first answer is going to be, "Well, yeah!" I"m sorry to say this guys, but the government has been training to fight against Bubba and his militia for years and years. It is called counterinsurgency tactics and it is exactly why traditional guerrilla warfare is not going to work in the upcoming war.

This video addresses that question. My follow-up video will give you advice on what you can do to survive it. I encourage you to watch it till the very end. There is valuable knowledge in these videos that could help save yours or someone else's life someday.

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