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Obama's True Past Revealed 12/15/2016..Stay Tuned!!

Politically Incorrect
Politically Incorrect - 378 Views
Published on 08 Mar 2019 / In People and Blogs

In 2008 Hillary started the 'Birther' talks about Hussein Obama. Donald Trump eventually weighed in and offered millions to a charity if someone could prove Obama was a fraud. Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County Arizona and his cold case Possi went to work. They proved beyond the shadow of any doubt, that the White House provided birth certificate was a fraud! It has also been proven that the social security card from Obama, is also a fake! A stolen social security number from a woman in Connecticut.

For years this story has been swept under the rug bu main stream media. Then recently Donald Trump stepped in it during the recent campaign. He soon got himself out of the terrible controversy that this brought to his campaign. A very smart move by the Trump campaign.

However, Sheriff Joe was recently voted out as mayor after many years of faithful service to Arizona. Before he leaves his office, and Barry leaves his office, Sheriff Joe is going live. He is going ''Live' on national TV to discuss his findings. I have no idea how most Americans will handle this. One thing is for sure. We were all lied to!!

#Obama #BarroSoetoro #SheriffJoe

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