Non-Cult-Sworn People are Deficient of Nutrients By Freemasonic Policy-thUgs... William Cooper #1612 Dr. Wallach
Dr. Wallach will cut through the Freemasonic Quack-Doctor-Garbage and tell you his research truths in this Part 3.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Bill Cooper was assassinated by Luciferians with gun powder burns on his skull's skin... This means the Cult did not want Cooper going to trial to prosecute the invasion of his property.
Cooper figured out that ETaliens did not exist, instead ancient technology was behind Freemasonry. Cooper did not ever talk about the ancient devils called Homo capensis: who rule the Vatican and the secret societies.

Please go to google translate =
In 1st Box under Latin, spell this out =
Cor ona virus, with the 2 spaces
In 2nd Box, Click English.
Latin is the devil & his minions preferred language.