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New Law OKs "Removal of Children"?! South Australian Laws Greenlight Massive State Oppression

Yupyup0123 - 620 Bekeken
620 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 17 Aug 2020 / In Non-profit en Activisme

Mirrored from Tim Truth in LBRY
Silence is not an option

New Law OKs "Removal of Children"?! South Australian Laws Greenlight Massive State Oppression

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Ted B
Ted B 4 jaar geleden

They seem to be have turns at "taking the lead" (as for NZ at present), with the severity of the disease having little relevance. For Australia, detailed covid stats and charts are available on the govt. website below. They show that of a total number of deaths of 421, 334 were in Victoria and .......4 in South Australia! According to the current charts, 91% of deaths were >70 years old. 31% were over 90! There are 0 deaths below 30 years old and 13 deaths below 60. Govt subsidized care home deaths seem to have been tampered with. They are currently showing 57% of the total. As everywhere, covid only kills the elderly and immune compromised.

Antwoord   thumb_up 1   thumb_down 0
Yupyup0123 4 jaar geleden

I feel Canada will be next. We need to do something, but what?

Antwoord   thumb_up 0   thumb_down 0
Ted B
Ted B 4 jaar geleden

It's hard to know, isn't it. For myself, I take any opportunity that I can to try to bring people to their senses. I'm a little encouraged that the latest NZ measures seem to be creating some concern. I want to join with others of like mind, but can't find any. We are such a placid lot here in NZ. So much like our sheep! We have an election coming up and I would be keen to actively support a party opposing the plandemic responses. But even a new pro-family pro-democracy party is not openly confronting agenda 21 and the policies of our existing if 2020 had not happened! There is so much ignorance around including on our side. I try to make some constructive suggestions on the various platforms and engage in meaningful dialogue. But so far, that has not been fruitful. Speaking of which are you aware of the following website whch has detailed statistics and charts for the world? The situation for Canada appears similar to NZ. ie. it should just about be over, at least until the September second wave promised by Bill.

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