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Rapidan Dam in south central Minnesota. The dam is reported to be in imminent failure condition

Mary Tanasy
Mary Tanasy - 80 Views
Published on 24 Jun 2024 / In News and Politics

They knew that it was going to fail and did nothing to replace the Dam, and now so many homes are destroyed there by floods from it. This was deliberate.

Monday morning, Gov. Tim Walz and state emergency response officials provided an update on the statewide flooding response and were asked about the situation at the Rapidan Dam.

"We are continuing to monitor the status of the dam with local officials," said Homeland Security and Emergency Management Director Kristi Rollwagen. "We were made aware of the situation about 4 a.m. this morning. We’re also looking at the communication cell towers in the area and working to get resources down there to support cellular communications. Right now the integrity of the dam is intact, but we will continue to monitor it and be aware of what’s going on."

"I know the structural integrity of the dam has been a question for a long time," Gov. Walz said. "The removal of the dam has been a question that’s been up there."

Credits to: Fox9

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