Musk is NOT Conservative, But He's Correct That Left is About Depopulation
Obama makes it clear that he's a die-hard communist who hates free markets. Elon Musk has NOT switched from leftist environmentalism to conservatism. You need to add transhumanism to your political spectrum, but where does it fit?
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Musk is the fake "richest Freemasons" after Bill Gates and plays the freemason role as the frontman for NWO dominance over the dumbed-down sheeple...
Alex Jones (aka Bill Hicks) is another freemason with a facelift to become a frontman, too.
Who has not figured this out?
The Freemasons and Luciferians worship their A.i. immaculate(self-flaming-intelligence) fake-god. They worship A.i. as "Lucifer" hence I call them all a hivemind of Luciferians.
Homo capensis controls the Vatican money systems and now they are slaughtering the sheeple with clot-shots and brainchips linking Homo sapiens to their A.i. fake-god.
Freemasons are just sheepdogs following the whistle-commands from their Homo capensis masters... Freemasons like the toe-jam from between capensis toes. Freemasons are the biggest human-idiots who walk around with their noses up in the air pretending how knowledgeable they have become by following their brainwashing to sell out their own genetics.
Well David, you have a pretty good idea what "they" are doing, keep up the good work!