Matech back up iron sight setup explained | use and doctrine as a current US Army officer
MaTech has been used by US Army from 2002-present day with no issues when configured on a rifle properly. It’s when it gets into certain civilian hands...not all...does the b*tching begin. Never having to use one in field environment or the reasons why it’s set up the way it is in a military setting. It’s never Infantry, Cavalry, or other combat occupations that have issues. It’s knowing it’s ability from those soldiers and Marines using the KAC that know why they’re configured this way. Stick aperture, elevation / wind age adjustable, flip down and up capabilities without a big / small aperture making a hindrance on efficiency. This video gives insight how to set up so elevations work out correctly and the doctrine behind configuration. For combat and prepper minded individuals it’s hard to beat the MaTech or Marine issue KAC (Knights Armament C )
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