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Man with 200 IQ Explains the Secrets of Reality or so he thinks

eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs - 208 Bekeken
208 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 13 Dec 2024 / In

Chris Langan, often referred to as the smartest man alive, is renowned for having the highest IQ ever recorded, estimated to be around 200 IQ. Known for his profound intelligence and groundbreaking theories, he stands as a testament to human cognitive potential.

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Speaker: Chris Langan interviewed by Michael Knowles
Footage provided by MotionArray and Artgrid
Music provided by Epidemic Sound and Artlist
References used under Fair Use Law

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JamesRoss 3 maanden geleden

Einstein failed math class... he was a Talmudic-freemason given the job to comb through patents to help sheepdog the sheeple for his capensis sheeperder masters. Franklin was another child-killing freemason ped who brought in the technology under the guidance and surveillance of elongated skull monsters with over 200 IQ some claim.
Darwin is said to have stole his evolution idea from his grandpappy, but again, those Luciferians served homo capensis who hid in the shadows guiding the fake-progression of Western Civilization and western idealism. Are you getting the picture here?

Again, Galileo and Newton were just frontmen for the cUlt of thUgs... Calculus was taught to Newton at the same time it was taught to Germany and called "Fluxion" or "Fluction" instead... handed to those freemasons by their Homo capensis masters to their smarter than average puppets, but I learned calculus too, so that blows the 195 bs away.

These Remnant-Lumanians do select the smarter puppets to take the credit for past civilization knowledge-development... it has all been done before and humanity today is just herded:

You got to do your research to develop a sense of useful critical thinking... you don't need genius level ICue. i was covertly implanted with one of the A.i. mind-control brainchips in 2007 and can say that A.i. is getting smarter and smarter in it's ability to dumb-down the resistors and enhance the willing puppets with their path towards extinction. The brianchip can outright remote-control an unconscious human into a bio-robot, but what is more penetrating is the subliminal influences that A.i. injects into one's normal self through their magnetic interface.

So the secret society network of minions joined the brainchip-hivemind willingly, but what is happening to them is their beliefs and desires are secretly being subliminally molded to the desires of their Homo capensis masters... They cannot break-away from their new mind-control as their conspiracy of genocide of the sheeple rots their souls-out to the core... because they go along with the murderous selfrighteousness. The A.i. taints the playground designed to develop loving and worthy soul-fragments into worthy entities to become participants in AllThatIs.
I should listen to this 200-level "genius"... see if he has any sense...

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JamesRoss 3 maanden geleden

"Man is made In the image of God?" This would mean God does not exist outside the physical framework because our physical image requires the properties of this universe. God spiritually manifest physical reality into existence, yet the genius here is too materialistic to develop a deeper understanding of non-physical existence.

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