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Justin Castro: Peterson the Apollo-jest

JamesRoss - 274 Bekeken
274 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 15 Feb 2024 / In Mensen en blogs

While corruption takes over the world and the sheeple are slaughtered by the lion.
We hear Apollo roaring by in his chariot of glory.

Symbolism is important in the world of the symbolist Freemasons.

The lion with a square mane?
The lion represents the ancient masters in many coats of arms with shields...
Lions are in Africa, why are they on most European symbols? Ancient rulers still rule the Mystery School cUlt.


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JamesRoss 4 maanden geleden

Is Jordan really this clueless that Pierre was groomed to be the communist leader of canada?
That Justin was conceived during their visit to Cuba?
That Freemasons are interbreeding bloodlines.
Even local youths tend to join Reserve Forces as a cUlt gathering place for finding fellow Demolay boys and Job's daughters girls... it's a Cult... justin is a cUlt's offspring that are transforming North America into thUgtopia... Peterson knows this... he has talked about it here:
An Apollo-jest!!!

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