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John Michael Chambers ft. Cyrus Parsa AI Dangers to Humanity, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, China

Dustin Nemos
Dustin Nemos - 328 Ansichten
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Veröffentlicht auf 06 May 2020 / Im Film & Animation

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 Jahre vor

And The Teacher Spoke…, What would you do to Reclaim and Redeem “your soul” once you knew the RELIGION you were raised upon was not the G.O.D. of Resurrection, Redemption, and Reconciliation??? So many have been raised “by these” TV SCREENS [{**}] too worship money, worship people, and even WORSHIP GODS when we of Pak-Toe know that too Worship is too beg……..., and to beg for forgiveness is Racka!!! You see…….., we the society of nonmason “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition have not done as these FREE MASON Lodge Members… For they all WORSHIP [things] /_\ from COLUMBIA to Gold……., and Silver……, and Diamonds too Gems that grow (in the dirt) +=+ of our FATHER FLAT EARTH!!! These People……, and Persons whom continue down this PROJECT BLUE BEAM Alien Invasion of (COVID19) think that if they just keep the lies going….., no one will know that they “do not heal” people in their hospitals…., but that they {only hurt people} / * \ with their FREE MASON Doctors..., Nurses.., and Staff infestation of this W.H.O. - W.T.O. and I.M.F. world domination plot that “THEY LIVE” The FREE MASON Lodges Should for all time “call these shots” in this Celestial Sphere Home World of Purgatory where they take our “nonmason children” and turn them into YOUNG TRANNY SEX web searches ripping the penis out of 5 year old boys., and sewing them into 5 year old little girls known as their “PizzaGATE” Satanist Activities – Rituals – Deplorable #QANON Sick and Twisted Behaviors…. Moreover, since the U.S. FLAG is “nothing more” then a Member – Constituent – Representative of this UNITED NATIONS “International Mafia” of FREE MASON Lodges, then why should I or anyone whom is “a nonmason” pay taxes to our FLAGS anymore since ALL FLAGS are now U.N. FLAGS of liars, theists, cheats, and cruel criminal “actors and actresses” where SLAVE People and Person like Lady Ga Ga to Stevie Wonder do now so “wander about” since all RELIGIONS are just INK ON PAPER made by others to command and control you.?.?.? In that` their Lucifer is not a G.O.D., but just a School of Thought “as are” all RELIGION be it The Koran, or Bible, or TALMUD, or you name the Biblical “Canonical” Books you were told YOUR G.O.D. wrote and was created from.?.?.?.? Since I am The Oracle for the end of an age connected to “The Source” of All Creation, and The Source of All Destruction, I would consider my words and “written works” to be a place to gather your minds and souls and persons, and say to yourself: Do I own me, and my mind, and my person, or am I a Slave to the Thoughts and “Ideas of others” whom do not have a way home??? For I can tell you this about PURGATORY……., it does not “matter” what we know, but what we do with that knowledge, and if all you want is to be Selfish and Self Seeking, then you will “never find” The PORTAL that would heal your soul, and restore your mind “to sanctity” and quality thinking… You must continue to CONTEMPLATE your Dreams while you sleep, and be aware that DE-JA-VU means we are still living in the Oraborus CURSE of The CRAFT of these Hollywood to Bollywood FREE MASON Lodges Head Games!!!!! The Book of EXODICE!!!

At the end of the day….., all your U.S. FLAG OPPRESSORS have is “STUFF” for you too WORSHIP from Clothing to Playing With Balls…..., and in that……., you are not a FREE PERSON…….., you are a SLAVE “to any thing” you Worship` for too Worship is too beg of….

We Are Pak-Toe… WE Don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!!!

The Society of nonmason~


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