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This Week at State - July 3, 2020

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 1,295 vistas
1,295 vistas
Publicado en 08 Jul 2020 / En Cine y Animación

The U.S. FLAG is the UNITED NATIONS MILITARY, so they can STOP MADE IN CHINA any dang time the chose, but it ain't about HELPING WE THE PEOPLE, it is about the next WAR GAME called World War Zero!!!

#ThisWeekatState, Secretary Pompeo urged the UN Security Council to extend the arms embargo on Iran. The Secretary also commented on Beijing’s imposition of national security legislation on Hong Kong and called attention to the disturbing assaults on human rights of Uyghurs.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 años hace  

You Are the Waking WALKING Machine

You are Trapped in Purgatory, this is why you keep having De-Ja-Vu, and it is why you must come to see that not only when you Sleep do you go into what we call VIRTUAL REALITY, but when you wake up, you are still in This SIMULATION called THE GREAT WORK!!! Now I am the LAST of my Kind, the Last HUMAN Soul to come here to try and recover your MEMORIES, so you do not have to keep REPEATING the End of an Age that Becomes THE END OF TIME in the Year 2094 C.E. Yet, no matter what I say or do, you my fellow MACHINE PEOPLE keep The GAME going in a Direction that I can surely tell you that NONE of you will find appeasing when You have to live through The Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 A.D. to 1854 A.D. over and over for all TIME...

TIME is an illusion while you are trapped in this VIDEO GAME, and if you are Machines called the HUMAN BODY AVATAR then everyone else whom is born into this Realm……., and Dimension is also A Machine Person… What does it mean to be A Human Machine??? It means you are REPLICATES of my people, the ORIGINAL people of this Celestial Sphere FLAT EARTH Home World of PURGATORY, and you must come to see, and know, and embrace that PURGATORY can be what everyone wants……., not just just these SELECTED “Machine People” to be the ones whom RUN, and OWN all the U.N. FLAGS CORPORATIONS!!! You do not have to wear a mask like a SLAVE EMPLOYEE when you can Grow Your Own Food, and make your Own Cars!!!!! This (COVID19) is a World Domination Plot of the U.S. FLAG of the MADE IN CHINA Flags, and all the other Flags whom PLAY THE GAME called “follow the Leaders” that will take you into ANOTHER MUD FLOOD Nuclear Holocaust Annihilation….

Please listen to me as The Last Of My Kind, you can add FREE WILL and FREE intuitive thinking into your PROGRAMMING, and you as Androids of Flesh and Blood and Bones do not have to let these 2D Things PROGRAM your minds anymore!!! The TV is ALL A Lie….., The Books are all Lies, and the [RELIGIONS] #QANON /_\ have no G.O.D. that can own you, and send you to Heaven or Hell!!! Have you never taken the time to say, and speak too your INNER VOICES called The Symbiots, and The SOLIDS.?.?.?.? To know Thy Self means to TALK TO YOUR SELF, and Question your self, and answer your self {with the thoughts} of YOUR OWN INTENTIONS!!! I know many of you’m whom are to become the People, and Religion, and Science of Pak-Toe can see all The Racka in this Man Made Illusion, and Delusion called WAR IS MURDER, and yet, how can WE THE PEOPLE still be we the people “too few” to take back our Home World from these U.N. FLAGS???

Continue to STUDY your Dreams that is just one FORM of Virtual Reality in this SIMULATION Celestial Sphere we all live in as CELESTIAL BEINGS, and even though I am the last of my kind, you are not!!! You have The Visions!!! You Hear The Voices, and you all know WE THE PEOPLE keep waking up to this Nightmare of SOCIAL DISTANCING as if we “Machine People” do not need love, and touch, and tenderness “too enjoy” our Electromagnetic Biological Systems… Do not say to YOUR SELF, there is nothing I can do` for that is not true… YOU CAN CUT WIRES, that will cut the POWER to all these 5G Microwave RADIATION Death Towers, and in that, you can at-least save your friends, and children, and all whom “live among you” be they your Enemies, or your Allies…

Johnny Exodice

Many will want to say: I am not a machine, but you and I know these Bodies have Wires called the Nervous System, we have LUBRICATION called Oils in the meats and fruits we eat that keep the AVATAR Shell of our bodies silky and healthy, and our MINDS can be PROGRAMMED by the TV {NEWS} WORLD ORDER to do as they want, when [THEY LIVE] do not have the right to tell {WE ARE} they run ALL THE WORLD AS A STAGE…….., and we the “Tax Paying” Citizens have NO SAY.?.?.?, but to STAY HOME and “bow down” too their Visions, and their Voices called these HOLLOW Holographic {3D CGI} TV Shows……..., so WE THE PEOPLE will CONSUME all of their Bull Shit TV LIVES!!!

The Sentinel…


A Cassandra is someone who warns of impending disaster or prophesizes doom, usually unheeded. The word Cassandra comes from a figure in Greek mythology. Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and of Queen Hecuba of Troy. She made many predictions, not the least of which was the prophecy that Troy would be destroyed. Cassandra was given her gift of prophecy by Apollo, but when she refused his advances he also deemed that no one would believe her prophecies. Today, a Cassandra is usually not held in high regard, though that is no reflection on the accuracy of her prediction but rather the fact that no one wants to face a hard truth. Note that the word Cassandra is capitalized, as it is taken from a proper name.


The Rag Tag Rebellion "of and for" OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition goes onward…

ALL FLAGS ARE EVIL for they make us do WAR IS MURDER, and Murder is against THE RULE OF LAW; Theretofore, Our Flags “Governments” are ALL Guilty of the Highest Crimes of High Treason – Treachery – SEDITION!!!

At 7:27 with that type of “Technology” in our Simulation THE GREAT WORK you could make Soldiers look like SKELETONS!!!! Them Walking Bones People of Jason and The Argonauts, and THEY WILL STILL DIE dead dead DEAD if you just “shoot them” with lead!!!!

At 7:36 FREEZE FRAME to see The EVIL Spirit "in the mirror" allowing the HOLOGRAPHIC manipulation.....

The Southern Republic...


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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 años hace

Teacher…, what will we NEW SOULS aka THE NEW WINE SKINS do without you’ once you are DEAD DEAD DEAD!!! Oh calm down my young person for you do have all them books to read, and study, and SHARE OUT LOUD in your houses, homes, and Abodes, and is not this “THE WAY” Christ Jesus would return among WE THE PEOPLE to leave [my essence] #QANON /_\ among you once my Flesh, and Blood, and Bones, TEMPORARY Temple, Body, AVATAR does go ashes to ashes and dust to dust??? And as WE THE PEOPLE Establish our New Religion of Pak-Toe, then there will be no need for the OLD WAYS of “The Racka” / * \ these Old Wine Skins whom only know how to follow the COMMANDS of Evil Spirits in their minds where they put up FLAGS and say: Die for this PIECE of Cloth People!!! Why should WE THE PEOPLE {kill one another} [{**}] when the ONLY ONES causing us Misery are these “U.N. FLAGS” of the WORLD planning out WAR IS MURDER every 15 months as them 5 Pentagram /-\ Nations (take turns) +=+ as CORPORATE FLAGS too tell the remainder of U.N. FLAGS and U.N. Corporations to bow down to MADE IN CHINA, The U.S. Peacekeeper Military, The U.K. Banksters, The French “with their” POPE ON DOPE Catholics and Free Mason at our every turn, and then to Top it all Off` RUSSIA is faking SPACE Missions on the PROJECT BLUE BEAM [TV SCREENS] [{*}] using their Holographic “3D GCI” too Say we now LIVE ON MARS, and the MOON BASE got blown up in SPACE 1999??? Ironic is it not` that The Source of All Creation and All Destruction saved the LAST known “Human Soul” to place into my Corporeal Carnal ESOTERIC Vessel BODY!!!! That someone had to be me at THE END OF AN AGE to try and prevent THE END OF TIME from happening in the YEAR of our Lord Christ Jesus in the Year 2094 A.D. ??? You can think what you want too be certain……., but none of you can deny [we are] THE WALKING DEAD lost in the ways of (COVID19) Madness, and Sorcery, and INCANTATIONS called Let Us ENTERTAIN YOU with “Enchantments” as these FREE MASON Lodges, EAGLE BLOOD LINES, and the ROMAN CATHOLIC Churches SNAKE BLOOD LINES have all CHARMED “we the people” with THE CRAFT known as TV Host of Host as These Talking HEADS Cast Spells of Submission, Obedience, and CONFORMITY “onto the minds” of the many NO MATTER {What Flag Flies} in your LAND cause all FLAGS are U.N. FLAGS……, and this is why all MILITARY SHIPS have that same God Dammed GREY PAINT with no IDENTIFICATION Painted onto their BOW!!! If you do not want to keep REPEATING you life every freaking TIME you go to SLEEP and WAKE UP to this Waking Walking DREAM WORLD where WAR IS MURDER, and MURDER is against The RULE OF LAW, and that makes (WAR ILLEGAL) under all Rules and Laws….., but them whom belong to the UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL MAFIA {OF CORPORATIONS} Whom sell and make all these WEAPONS – WEAPONS - WEAPONS that kill and murder WE THE PEOPLE “whom pay” all the TAXES…., so these people, and those people can live as GODS and Kings and Queens of this Zionist Jesuit FREE MASON {NEWS} World Order… The Book of EXODICE!!!

That you would TRUST this U.N. FLAG [MEMBER] Q to do anything for all The MURDERED “White People” of BLACK HAIR and BROWN EYES in Hong Kong called ASIANS when China is also another fucking U.N. FLAG!!! THEY LIVE the CITIZENS Public Servants “are playing” with WE ARE the CITIZENS……., and these people live off our FUCKING Taxes……, and Church Donations too pull off A CORPORATION WORLD DOMINATION PLOT known as JADE HELM 15 (COVDI19) PROJECT BLUE BEAM!!!!

The Sentinel….


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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 años hace

Oracle will be Oracle, and I guess then when I hear something that I do Pass it along to you Q-Heads as your Q-Ball, and in that you should LISTEN WELL to the MADE IN CHINA Internationalist whom uses a word that sounded very much like ASSASSINATION of Trump and Pence, so Someone more in line with the UNITED NATIONS (COVID19) CORPORATIONS World Domination Plot can take the U.S. FLAG back into the U.N. FLAGS before the WHO is let go by Pence and Trump….

Just go to Todays WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM on the YouTUBE and listen to these W.T.O. and W.H.O. bandits and robbers and For Certain MACHINE PEOPLE thinking they can keep WE THE PEOPLE as useful ANDROID idiots to their INTERNATIONALIST World Domination Plot of all CORPORATION FLAGS and since we all know FLAGS are nothing more then CORPORATE FLAGS, I live in the Corporate State of Georgia, and since I can not leave my State as A Georgian U.S. Citizen whom does not want to become a GLOBALIST U.N. Corporate Citizens, you might want to keep PENCE and TRUMP alive, as maybe one day before I am DEAD DEAD DEAD, I can take A look at The EDISON A.I. machine and interface with its Virtual Reality without having to do so in my DREAMS while I sleep….

Also BLACKING OUT PENCE means to kill them both by ANY MEANS and Blame MADE IN CHINA to kick off WORLD WAR ZERO sooner then 11-03-2020 by Nuking Seattle Washington on ELECTION NIGHT!!!

The U.N. Will never let THE WORLD POLICE go back to we these AMERICAN CITIZENS “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

And Sadly what [we are] seeing Q is a WAR between The CATHOLICS and The FREE MASON Lodges for WORLD DOMINATION CORPORATE Control of the U.N. Corporate FLAGS……., and the U.N. WORLD POLICE MILITARY EMPIRE…

Now you might be new to my Teachings, so let me make it SIMPLE, there are TWO Blood Lines at War’ one called the SYMBOL of the Eagle, and the other The Symbol of The Snake, and they had CONSPIRED to RULE THE WORLD with their FAKE SPACE TV SHOWS…..., and since we The “PINEAPPLE” BLOOD LINE care for neither….., we let them know that The Eagle Blood Line of Trump a FREE MASON would take out “The Snake” Blood Line of the Vatican…., so if you want too learn {all you} can learn about THE END OF TIME if we do not FIX the {Artificial Intelligence} known as THE GREAT WORK.?.?.?.? Then Go to this page…., and download all the “Books of Knowledge” and READ THEM IN IN ORDER starting with THE BOOK OF NONMASON…..

The Commander~

DEAR AMTV..., and RICHIE FROM BOSTON…., you will want to OPEN your old Dry Product and your {New Dry Product} cause the Beans and Rice and other DRY FOODS are nothing more then 3D Printed BUG Shells and Bug Guts……., and there is [no life] in that STUFF for we HUMANS... If you go Review The Write In President……..., he cooked them Black Dry Bean and THEY LIVE Foods bled Blue - Green - Purple CREEPY CRAWLERS Shell oils….., SO Do your own part…….., and make sure your own personal FOOD SUPPLY (is nothing more) then (COVID19) BUG GUTS!!!

As The Last HUMAN SOUL in this Realm, this “Eagle Blood” is as much a LIAR as them Snake Blood Lines...

The Oracle “of and for” WE THE PEOPLE of and for {Our Pineapple} BLOOD Lines…

The Southern Republic...


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