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I wish more would have asked these questions

Tessa Cunningham
Tessa Cunningham - 334 Vues
334 Vues
Publié le 28 Jul 2021 / Dans
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TwoFeather 3 années depuis

If a doctor tells me I should get the vaccine.
I will ask Why, I'm not sick and usually never get sick.
If he answers It is to protect you incase you get sick.
I will ask them, Did you get a Brain Transplant or Heart Transplant?
They will probably answer No, why would I?
I will tell them, It's for your Safety, You know incase you get a Heart Attack or Brain Aneurysm, You should prepare ahead of time, like you told me about a Vaccine.

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TwoFeather 3 années depuis

"Trust the Science" The same "science" that brought you:
(Zantac) Cancer causing pharmaceutical that was FDA Approved to be SAFE.
(Talcum Powder) Cancer causing pharmaceutical that was FDA Approved to be SAFE.
(Saccharin) Cancer causing pharmaceutical that was FDA Approved to be SAFE.
(Aspartame) Cancer causing pharmaceutical that was FDA Approved to be SAFE.
(Asbestos) Cancer causing material that was Approved to be SAFE.
YES Trust that SCIENCE. Your life depends on it.

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