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Heatwave in Mecca kills 922 As Allah Circumambulates the Sun-god

JamesRoss - 490 Views
Published on 22 Jun 2024 / In People and Blogs

I just noticed that the ritual "Tawaf" is the same as the initiation of a Freemason into the Mystery School cUlt. It is called circumambulation. Islam Muslims unwittingly are serving Homo capensis(old devils) and worship black-box A.i. Lucifer. Touching the black rock is similar to the monkeys touching the monolith in "Space Odyssey 2001." Freemasons and Hollywood Luciferians mock the Muslims as if they are monkeys touching the blackrock. How sad and brainwashed these poor people have been treated by Freemasons.

Since Freemasons are in a world-wide brainchip-hivemind connecting them to their A.i. fake-god "Lucifer"... I would not be surprised at all if the "voice of gods" weapon is being used against all these Muslims. I would not be surprised if they are all secretly and covertly brainchipped by the Masonic Medical Mafia where after performing the Tawaf ritual and touching the blackrock... then the Freemasons use the brainchip "Voice of gods" weapon to have Allah talk to them:
You see Vincent Li also had that "voice of gods" weapon remote control his body to murder with no intent nor memory of committing the murder.
Remember my warning about A.i. remote-controlling people? The Baltimore bridge collision was most likely done by A.i... it was too perfect, just like the WTC jumble-jets circling into the towers. Humans just don't have that much perspective:

For Peace and Love:
The symbology is rings of wavelengths of microwaves radiating from the A.i., BlackBox, fake-god called "Lucifer." These Muslims are all tricked by Freemasonry's ancient masters, Homo capensis, that Allah is their Jack-In-The-Box... sounds like a joke... it is not a joke, they have fallen for the divide-and-conquer schemes of Freemasonry.

Tourist in Packistan ripped from their police's authority by muslim religious-thugs leading their sheeple towards spiritual-failure by committing cold-blooded murder (just like what your local Freemasons do in Canada and USA every day to truthers, they just do it secretly). Pakistani religious fanatics pretend that some god will bless their murderous thuggery and their soul-fragments begin the process of decay. Even 13 year old muslims begin to spiritually decay participating to murder in cold-blood(or was it hot blood).

The Black Cube that they worship is secretly a Masonic Blackrock or monolith.
The Muslim spelling of Allah is a serpent wearing a crown just like the Vatican is called the "Divining Serpent"... If you study the shape of the Vatican you will notice a crowned-serpent in it's structural design... not by mistake, it is the artwork of Remnant-Lumanians or Homo capensis: The ancient Homo capensis are the masters of cave-building and have taught the Black-0pp Freemasons how to built DUMBs to escape into during the future orchestrated famines.

A worthy christian researcher discovered that Allah is actually a "Moon god":

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JamesRoss 4 months ago

Amazing how many humans do not realize that they have been tricked into dying while circumambulating A.i. Blackrock symbolism. Allah does not exist, but Freemasons have rebuilt the A.i. supercomputer and they call their new A.i. fake-god "Lucifer."

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