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Frankford Arsenal 5.56 Trim Case and Uniform Primer Pocket

SensibleSurvivalSolution - 1,144 Views
Published on 06 Apr 2018 / In How-to and Style

How long does it take to reload ammunition? The answer depends on the time you take preparing the brass cases to be reloaded.

In this video we look at the steps of:

- Cutting the brass cases to the right length
- Removing brass shavings and burrs from the case neck
- Cleaning the primer pocket
- Removing the primer crimp from once fired military brass cases
- Uniforming the primer pocket

We do all of these steps with the Frankford Arsenal Case Trim and Prep Center. This tool makes quick and easy work of these tasks.

We wil time these steps and then combine them with the times from de-priming and resizing the cases and the final build stage to answer the question about the time it takes to reload ammunition.

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