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V9, 30-30 Win. Redding T7 Turret, Primer Choice and Using the Correct Primer

76Highboy Reloading
76Highboy Reloading - 1,383 Views
Published on 03 Dec 2019 / In Firearms

V9, 30-30 Win. Redding T7 Turret, Primer Choice and Using the Correct Primer

Primers are explosive!!! Handle with caution and wear safety glasses!!!

Originally this video was going to be about charging the primer magazine tube with primers. However, I changed the topic. Instead, I talk about basic primer fundamentals as I understand them. A few points I would like to add. When substituting a new primer for an existing load, drop your powder charge 10% and work back up. Primers have different brisance levels. Brisance is the shattering effect of an object. Different primers have different brisance. Therefore, by interchanging pistol primers with rifle primers and visa-versa the brisance will not be correct. This will change the pressure spike and ultimately could be harmful to the shooter or destroy the gun. Many may not agree with me so take what you want and leave what you don’t. Mileage will vary. God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 5 years ago

Teach your nonmason how to shoot first!!! Q+ The Pen`

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no0negun 5 years ago

Long love the 30-30.
And coffee to help us load.

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76Highboy Reloading

How you doing brother? Are you a member on my gun forum at Highboy

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