Dr. Shiva - "I'm Not F*ckin' Scared. I'm F*ckin' Angry!"
Belfrey - 1,294 Views
Published on 23 Aug 2021 / In News and Politics
The good doctor lets loose on the degradation of the 1st Amendment.
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4 years ago
Go to the Chief Global Federal Postal Court Judge website to learn mask and vaccine mandates are banned, all debts have been forgiven, including mortgages and student loans due to fraud, and how his authority supercedes the fraudulent USA Supreme Court which was hijacked and turned into just a branch of a bank by the treason president Woodrow Wilson who said on his death bed, "I have taken the power away from USA citizens and gave the power to banker.s
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Custos Luminis
4 years ago
I agree Dr. Shiva thank you for speaking the truth.
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