Dr Carrie Madej... Has She Move-On to Becoming A Judas Goat of Fear-Mongering the "Sheep"?
Source: https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/Hydra-vulgaris-moderna:b
How did that Georgia lab know? Come on Madej, it was a setup... or an excuse to make a fear mongering video with Stew buddy. And neither will expose the Freemasons and Templars behind the plandemic, poisoning the sheeple.
"... to be used for the evolvement of humanity," Madej repeats the silly quote.
I see this as prepping for brainchipzombies.unaux.com
She showed how the hydra incorporated a chip on it's fiberous arm... the damn thing is amelgemating with A.I.!!!
Oh my God! Soon the zombies will be eating people and they only die with a hit to the head... (where the covert brainchip is hidden)
The only way the Cult can take over the world is if the good-people fall to pieces with chaos in their heads and give in to tyranny.
What does Madej mean by "You can't make this stuff up!"?
This is Jonathan Kleck's favorite exclaimation: https://ugetube.com/watch/cove....rt-brainchips-and-im and he is a bewildered Judas Goat with good-intent.
11:25 "morgellon-like fibers"
morgellons is Freemasonic Cult thUggery
gangstalkers will brainchip a Targeted Individual (TI)
Render that TI unconscious and enter their home.
They will implant fibers into the "sleeping beauty"
in the morning the TI freaks out not knowing the brainchip has kept her unconscious for the gangstalkers to play.
Madej wants you to "Wake-Up" https://ugetube.com/watch/anal....ysis-as-to-the-messa

Check this Bullshit out James..LOL...

UGHMM..Can we roll The Phony Pictures of the MASS GRAVES On Riker's island Again?? LMAOO

ANOTHER ..LOL Centerfold world Renown Doctor? PALEEZE! do we all Have to become Virologists to Know The JAB is a Satanic Evil to Kill and Enslave you??