Covid virus is as non-Existent as is HIV, SARs, Measles viruses and others
Learning that the wwCult controls all government paid positions(which is the bases of the secret take-over).
Learning that the Cult lies and that they are all the secret-societies working together as a hivemind unit... linked by the microwave-grid. Power down the grid and the Freemasons will have to re-establish their closing-up lodges.
Did you notice that the Rosicrucians and Freemasons are shutting down their lodges "due to lack of young interest?" What this means is they are now having secret, avatar meeting within their hivemind... within their rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel. Their are more secret-society members than ever before.
When you see the "ANTIFA" marching down the streets (they were wearing masks before covid). Covid mask are to hide the thUg's identity from pictures(besides brainwashing the unsworn to fear fake-viruses) and the surveillance society that their Cult is installing to hinder the unsworn grouping together. (divide and conquer).
Let this video be a lesson that the Medical Mafia are given the most prestigious awards to help the convincing corruption of the wwCult.
I will upload to UGE this vid next: Montagnier's HIV Fraud get Nobel Prize
The real medical heroes are those who save lives... not the thUgs who indirectly murder lives of the unsworn.
Here is a hero: 61 views
Hero: 47 views
Hero: 485 views
Hero: 131 views
Hero: 148 views
Hero: 323 views
Anti-hero: 658 views
The Cult-sworn like their heros... Bush, above, got the most views; likely their are more thUgs lingering upon this site than the unsworn truth seekers. They are also terrified how much I expose ... Like learning your "Point of Power within the Present moment"... You can learn that here:
You can take control of your chosen world you manifest... don't follow the thUgs to their self-annihilation...
choose this path instead:

This video shows how vaccines are created.
If the "virus" is not isolated and purified, then the vaccine has to be fake. Covid vaccines are thus fake: