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Catholicism Falsely Teaches That Mary Is A Sinless Mediator Between Man & God

TTOR - 122 Views
Published on 14 Feb 2021 / In Spiritual

Apologist Justin Derby exposes Catholicism's heretical teaching that Jesus' mother Mary was a sinless mediator between man * God who makes intercession for us, and how Catholicism puts their traditions over the scriptures.

CCC Paragraph 969 source:

What the Catholic Church Teaches About Mary:

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Marilyn Watene
Marilyn Watene 3 years ago

Mary was a choice Lady chosen by Heavenly Father to bear his only begotten. She isn't someone to be prayed to....Jesus is the only mediator. Jesus was the only sinless person who walked the earth.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

The Cow and The Fence Effect

There are things we of Pak-Toe do’ like have Healers rather then Witches, Romantic Warriors rather than Warlocks, and Empaths rather then Narcissist… It has come to my Attention at Our FLAT EARTH Magical Academies in our “offline” Gaming STUDY Rooms is that we need more Documentators of {OUR STORY} rather then HIS Story, or HER Story creations, and since this is now the official 4th Year of P.T. meaning [Proper Time Line] from our perspective as BLADES OF GRASS in our Temporary MORTAL Corporeal Carnal human bodies of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones where No Matter what youm Label yourself from FREE MASON “Stooges” too nonhuman CONSUMERS, in truth: from the Highest Degree MASON of these {FAKE JEWS} from the Book of Revelation to WE THE PEOPLE whom employ all our Governments to do WAR IS MURDER cause your flag is not my flag, I was walking around Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA, and I was thinking of the Torture being done on helpless animals from Sea Life to Circus Bears, and all those whom so do “wish” too Play in [The Game] of this Masquerade…

Me and my protector chose [not to wear] these FACE MASK as we walked from here to there, and though I have been to New York City – Miami City Beach – Las Vegas, and have finally returned to Santa Barbara after my {homeless stint} doing the Greyhound Bus from town to town, county to county, and State to State, I have never seen so many People INTIMIDATED into “thinking” Wearing this SLAVE MASK is a Fashion of the Vogue, and Vanity of today… The fusion between the Police, and their Employers called WE The (Taxed) Paying Citizen is truly tragic as From the Protectors to the Protected: the population in Santa Barbara could take off the mask {at anytime} and no one would Shame Them – Beat Them, nor arrest them, but like a [Cow and a Fence] after living {a Lie Agreed Upon} for so many GENERATIONS where even the MASONS are “no better off” then their nonmason Slave Populations it is evident that there are NO FENCES nor WALLS “between” you and me, but we think [we must] do as THEY LIVE Tell WE ARE how to live, and think, and act when these people ALL live off of our TAXES called the slave word EMPLOYEE…

Moreover, once the {Corporation CEO’s} called Stake Holders said: YOU The Stock Holders will have NO MORE Say in how we “run” our Corporations paid for with your Stocks and Bonds: even though the CORPORATION is worthless if WE THE PEOPLE [do not buy] from them, but once again, so many think our INVADERS from the Southern Hemisphere still know what is best since the end of these MUD FLOOD WARS, yet all I see is our INNER “Symbiots” and Solids, and even these Machine People: let alone all we the remaindering [nonsolid] human populations still living these same lies thinking we have to.?.?.?.? From these Socialites: and their Media U-Tube to Wechat of Pay Pals Crypto, the FORGETTING is now in full swing, and even though we my People {and children} of Pak-Toe put on the mask` too blend in when we must, all the while our (Homes) and Lands are under OCCUPATION by these U.N. FLAGS and their U.S. Military WORLD POLICE of Peacekeeper U.N. Troops, and yet, I do not see any Costumes of Military Uniforms {yet on the streets} of our 50 National / 50 Constitutional Police – Militias – Guardians whom ALL have lied to their: OATH OF OFFICE for all have become Oath Breakers too NOT “protect” their families, or their friends, nor their FLAGS from a disease that does not exist except on the 2D FLAT EARTH {3D C.G.I.} TV shows and Screens of Deception, Misdirection, and illusions, and delusions being the ONLY Malfeasance [Selling] point to GET the COVAX, or youm will lose your Worthless (Slave Jobs) known as the word EMPLOYEE in any Maritime Admiralty COURT of INTERNATIONALIST Laws on our DOMESTIC Populations…

Truth Stream Media did put out “many” shows on how CONDITIONING: and Predictive Programming works, and now that we are at the [Stage] where we can Make Michael Jackson and 2Pac let alone Elvis Presley live on forever as {Hollow Holograms} in our Schools, and Bath Room Stands called The Bread and Circus of the STADIUMS where you “my people” put on A Ritualistic Satanic Mask of INDOCTRINATION too find: enlightenment in Music, and Sport, and the Chase of the Kill in all these WAR GAMES of hunt the human body where now you “yourself” can be hunted as well, and yet, even with a Population of Millions of Armed Citizens, no one “dares” too UNITE, nor hack the {NEWS} World Order Media Militant Military EMPIRE of this imaginary {Southern Hemisphere} and INNER EARTH in our dead and dying world of Materialism and [Plastic Visions] of PLASTIC PEOPLE….. You are only too willing to be “compliant” because youm are no longer a real Person’ for a Real Man, or a Real Wombman would not participate [in the lies] of DEPOPULATION called (COVID19) just because youm do not see our Human Dead in all these U.N. FLAGS: that have been turned into ALT MEAT, and though {you think} this life is all there is, youm yourself have never been able to take “off the mask” of whom youm really are every time you do so too look into a Reflecting REVERBERATING Wall Portal Mirror…

Johnny Exodice

Now I know this {NEW NORMAL} is only happening because WE THE PEOPLE do not demand our Right too Exist when our TAXED Asses “pay for” all these Religions that we have no say in, We Pay for all the Governments, and Their Flags, and Their Laws: that WE THE PEOPLE still do NOT have no say in, and we have been TOLD what to do {for so long} by OTHERS whom know nothing more then these Lies AGREED upon, that [the many] QBALLS~ /_\ do as they are TOLD cause they believe FEAR is real when the Body can die, but our “Spirits” always go on, and in this Revelation, youm would do well to {think for yourself} as youm look up big words, and use them whence youm speak, for do youm REALLY want your Children’ and their Children too ALWAYS DO AS YOU ARE TOLD by the people whom live off your (WELFARE) Known as these CORPORATIONS with no Soul, no Connection, and no way out of Forever and ever from the NEW TESTAMENT???

The Society of nonmason~

On a last note, these NEW NORMAL “legalized” Marijuana Buds are NOT Real Marijuana Plants for they have No Seeds, nor real THC from Nature, but just more {Synthetic GMO} Fake Liquids of Code + Magic + Alchemy = SORCERY being Pharmacologically “sprayed” onto something that [looks and smells] and even Taste like Marijuana, but when you smoke it: the high is a Synthetic UNNATURAL “dumbed” downed High just as {youm will be} / * \ if you keep smoking and eating it……., and since we know these FREE MASON Lodge Members own all CORPORATIONS as “Capitalist” with their Lies AGREED upon from Fake Space to Fake DNA, and so on and so forth; I do not know what “youm” are smoking, but it will help in the DEPOPULATION {effort and effects} of JADE HELM 15…

The Sentinel….

Anything that is REAL [has seeds] +=+ just as youm were made from the Seed of your Mother, and the seed of your Father no matter how good youm {might think} you be: too how evil, and vile, and Wicked you do so too CHOOSE too be… That spoken, the MACHINE has only one Purpose at this time, to DESTROY (all people) whom can do Magic, so Continue your Studies my Magical People cause once “youm” are all DEAD DEAD DEAD: the Machine will Repeat back to 1893 A.D. come what may in 2094 C.E. The Oracle for the end of An Age connected to the Source of All Creation and All Destruction has so spoken…

And just know by your “Belief” in their WAYS, and their RAPTURE of these screens, and your Behavior: That Youm do so too “help them” of THEY LIVE too kill off {all of us} known as WE ARE…..

The Commander~

† ///|||\\\ Ω

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