Biden's Speech is a SIGN Something BIG and BAD is About to Happen
The President's September 1 Speech was a SIGN that somehting HUGE is about to happen, not only in the USA but world-wide. How is this speech related to the Great Reset and the globalist plans to take over? How must you NOT react to this speech? Watch this Nelson Walters video for analysis of the globalist plans buired in this speech.
Also watch "Are We the FINAL Generation?"
"Globalists" are all the secret societies... the Freemason/Luciferian traitors to their own human genetics... who see themselves as "human2.0"
The Cult minions serve their ancient (failed race of mankind) grandmasters... the elongated skull people that the freemasons are organized to hide from the rest of humanity:
All secret society members are minions to the brainchip-hivemind leader of their army of secret thUgs who live amoungst all North Americans and Fifth-Column countries: and and Europe Tempar's Four-Columns country: , Europeans' Pharaoh-Show