Annie Jacobsen, "Operation Paperclip"
Author Annie Jacobsen presents a fascinating topic from her new book, Operation Paperclip, and takes questions from the audience. This event was recorded February 26, 2014 at Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C.
Founded by Carla Cohen and Barbara Meade in 1984, Politics & Prose Bookstore is Washington, D.C.'s premier independent bookstore and cultural hub, a gathering place for people interested in reading and discussing books. Politics & Prose offers superior service, unusual book choices, and a haven for book lovers in the store and online. Visit them on the web at

Annie, Annie...
The Nazi Party was strong and forming during WWII
The Nazis are just another branch of the Mystery School Cult and are all Freemasons.... Freemasonic temples can be found in every village and town throughout North America.
Did you look into the Templars of Switzerland... Hitler was a puppet of the Thule Society They all served the Ancient race of thUgs and they all still do serve Homo capensis. It is the ancients who want to genocide humanity... The Freemasons are just brainless now depending on A.I. to tell them what to do next in the Cult's agenda.