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America Today, confronting the Karma of WW2 (when it saved the Talmudic Communists from extinction, and exterminate all.anticommunists of Europe), which came back now to bite us all in the as

The Father of History
The Father of History - 425 Views
Published on 17 Jun 2022 / In News and Politics

America Today, confronting the Karma of WW2 (when it saved the Talmudic Communists from extinction, and exterminate all.anticommunists of Europe), which came back now to bite us all in the ass. All Talmudic Global Elite Actions today are consequences of that infamous WW2 act of the "Lberating Allies" (a slsve army of the Talmudics) who liberated Europe of all anti-communists, and promovated the Talmuduc Stalinistic Saranic system allover the world, so it can create another Holodomor (the Cold War) in which over 1 billion people died in despicable tortures in the name of "communism", now the commies (saged by the "Alliies"😉) go forth in their genocides against Humanity, by exterminating all the planet (all non-jews) through any and all means.
No doubt at all. Karma is a bitch, which now will kill as all.
Who didn't learned from the mistakes of the Past, is doomed to repeat them.

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The Father of History
The Father of History 3 years ago  

America Today, confronting the Karma of WW2 (when it saved the Talmudic Communists from extinction, and exterminate all.anticommunists of Europe), which came back now to bite us all in the ass. All Talmudic Global Elite Actions today are consequences of that infamous WW2 act of the "Lberating Allies" (a slsve army of the Talmudics) who liberated Europe of all anti-communists, and promovated the Talmuduc Stalinistic Saranic system allover the world, so it can create another Holodomor (the Cold War) in which over 1 billion people died in despicable tortures in the name of "communism", now the commies (saged by the "Alliies"?) go forth in their genocides against Humanity, by exterminating all the planet (all non-jews) through any and all means.
No doubt at all. Karma is a bitch, which now will kill as all.
Who didn't learned from the mistakes of the Past, is doomed to repeat them.

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