ZOOM: Not Politically correct!!.mp4
music credits to : https://www.bensound.com
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zoom.us for the computer and the app store for zoom cloud to use on your smart phone. You can find me on zoom using my email addy: linkirb@gmail.com. Our sessions are teachings, preaching, and fellowshipping.
My email: linkirb@gmail or linkirb@yahoo.com

There were several videos where it was shown that SEVERAL explosions took place, all at the same time all over California!

GUYS!!!! I recently started watching this You Tube channel called, "AoC Network". The guy that narrates the videos uses two tools, one of which is called, "The Blue Letter Bible". He shows us how to use this tool, which is really AWESOME! He states that the Old Testament is written in Hebrew originally and that the New Testament was originally written in Greek. While using the app, you can highlight a word or a phrase and click on one of the tools & it will tell you the ORIGINAL meaning of the word or phrase!!! It's SO AWESOME!!! You all should really check it out!

Dearborn Michigan is all Muslim. It looks alike Iraq and no police are even allowed in there

When the Pope came to the US, I remember how much Catholics worshipped him as God himself. I will never forget that.

So maybe the "mark of the beast" could be a rainbow tattoo. Meaning this a little in jest but not so much.