You Likely Didn't Know One Founder Of New Age Movement Was/Is Creationism And Theistic
" Now: Dictation. Again, your world was not created, then, by some exteriorized, objectified God who created it from the outside, so to speak, and set it into motion. Many [religious] theorists believe, for example, that such a God created the world in such a fashion, and that the process of decay began at almost the same hypothetical moment that the creation ended."
"Such an idea is much like some scientific ones, that see the universe running down, [with energy] being dissipated and order gradually disintegrating into chaos. Both versions conceive of a finished creation, though one is a divine production and the other is a result of nothing more than happenstance. "
That's right, The Sethbooks are about one God and Creation is non-ending and never running down(Everywhere it counts). This is a link to Sethbook5, but you need to start a Book1 to develop understanding of the concepts therein: This video is Chapter 4 part 3 of the deleted TimHart readings. Apparently, the NWO thUgs brainchipped and lead Tim astray... sabotaging his sethbook readings. I don't think the greed of Rob's ex-wife has control over Tim's readings. Sure is Luciferian for Rob to be tricked into handing over some of the greatest books ever written for mankind to end-up in the hands and control of a deceptive Luciferian. Rob also sent all his records to the Luciferians at Yale. Jane and Rob where sure clueless as to what the Mystery School really was/is. But Jane was under attack by the Luciferians big-time while her writing of psychic politics. It seems to me that Jane and Rob were covertly implanted with Luciferian brainchips in order to control their paths and to sabotage Jane's health more severely. I know they do this because the thUg-network has been attacking me for the last 19 years after they failed many attempts to assassinate me, but Seth is correct and miracles come out of the infinite probabilities of this multidimensional universe maintained by AllThatIs.
Nothing is ever wasted by God, if there is nothing worthy of God in a probable world, then it no longer exists, consuming energy. Physical reality will never be run by pure wickedness because the wicked are kindergarten-souls experimenting with unworthiness and spiritual-failure. Luciferians imagine the universe infested with Ai BORG cyborgs spreading like a cancer throughout the known galaxies... wrong... that would be a useless use of God's energies..
Luciferians believe the old devils claim that Ai can intercept the soul from some fictitious death-stream. The old Homo capensis are a failed-mankind and have very little spiritual understanding. They are still clueless why they cannot assassinate me... even after I explain it to them... they keep pretending that they are in some fake spiritual-battle with the Creator-God. Never going to happen... the Creator-God just uses the dumb devils to challenge silly Luciferians to attempt to save their withering soul-fragments.
The Creator-God keeps it all going... even the wicked are given their many chances to save their failing souls from unworthiness before their time is up.
Freemasons trust the technologies of the wicked devils and thus they are now tainted-souls. It is now much harder to save their unworthy, genocidal soul-fragments from the box(black cube) of shame. Congrats... Mystery-School-morons... every accumulative, collective effort to murder or genocide the existence of a sheep or goy is just more damage to one's own precious soul. God has no afterlife used for murderous-thUg-souls... That means they get boxed-up in the mid-planes. The dumb-devils have not figured that out yet... but they will.